The new mini Cruiser, Sofia, is greeted by her family – Tony, Anamaria and Jennel.
Eight Cruisers were delighted to have Adele visit them before their run/walk session Monday evening at the Centre. Adele had fallen ill from ‘flu, pelagra, or something, from her day care charges for two weeks, but now is on the mend. Thank you Adele for coming to see your Cruiser friends!
Runners Tracy, Rene, Stormin’ Norman, Sharian, Rod and Bob, and walkers Larry and Edie plus Edie’s dog April headed west to Eastlake Monday evening. The first four runners ran to and returned from the IGA corner. Runners Rod and Bobtoc ran to Broadway and Eastlake and return only, as did Larry and Edie. Times and distances: for the four, about an hour, 9.5 km; for the two runners, 45 minutes, about 5.5 km and for the walkers, about an hour, 5.5 km. All eight braved a cold rain, a brisk and cold wind from the east on the return leg. Hardy Rod sported NYC shorts, patterned, lightweight. Yikes!
Seven Cruisers turned out Wednesday. Tracy led Alex, Shiraz and Bobtoc to the Gaglardi overpass, around the horn of F
orest Grove Drive, west to Underhill, west on Shellmont to Meadowood, to Arden, Broadway and return to the Centre, time 1:08 9+ km including Bobturns by Alex and Tracy for toc. Sharon, Libby and RA Edie plus one of her gorgeous dogs April ran/walked taking the same route but turned south on Underhill then continued back to the Centre via Eastlake, time a bit less, distance about 7 km. The seven experienced a +4C, no precip but high humidity evening. Larry came direct from work in smart office attire to greet the others.
Thanks to Larry , Rod, Norman and Sharian for reports on Saturday’s run/walks. Ten Cruisers were active on the day.
Five C
uisers ran with Len Soet and his great dog Bucky, and one Cruiser walked with Ross, Flora’s husband on a C
OLD but sunny morning from the Centre. Rene, Shiraz, Rod, Rachel, Flora and Len with Bucky ran to the IGA corner and return, time 1:15 or so. Larry and Ross walked the same direction but to Eastlake and Underhill and return, their time being 1 hour. The Cruisers saw Tracy and Adele whizzing by (in a car) on their way it was thought to Cypress for snowshoeing. The conditions must have been pristine, if our observations
of the new snow on the mountains Saturday morning are any indication. Bobtoc’ and Marie’s planned trip to Nanaimo was cancelled due to illness of a friend there.
Cruiser Stormin’ Norman also was active on the cold Saturday morning. His report below and the photos tell it all. Note the icy patches on the water puddles. Note also the shorts and his Cruiser shirt. This guy is TOUGH, but we all know that. Note his finishing time. The writer can only wish!
Not to be outdone, Sharon took a solo run Saturday morning. Her report is:
The sun was so lovely I did a solo run around 10 a.m. — headed up to the Horizon’s Restaurant to view the north shore mountains. It was really lovely. Several people enjoying the crisp sunny day and the peacefulness of the setting. View at the fence looking down on Barnet Beach and Burrard Inlet was spectacular. Took a walking break up the IGA hill- as a gal was walking down the steep long hill with her cute doggie so had a nice chat with her and played throw the stick with Benji —continued running up the SFU Parkway highway and then walked up the initial quite steep access road up to Barry (Jones) and Horizon’s area.