Christina and Libby getting in the last .2 to make 18k then coffee afterwards at the Village Courtyard in Fort Langley. Perfect day for a run, beautiful scenery, great company.
Ten Cruisers met Monday for run/walk at the Centre. The destination for all was westward; for the walkers Larry, Flora and Ross, to Broadway and Underhill and return; for the runners, to the IGA corner. The ten experienced a +10 C temperature, with rain in the last half of the respective journeys. Time for the walkers, 1:05. Runners Rene, Tracy, Rod, Debra and Norman returned in 1:05, and Shiraz and Bobtoc 1:16. My thanks to Tracy and Shiraz who ran with me, Tracy on the way out (felt like Maui boot camp, for which I am grateful!) and Shiraz on the way back. I feel as though I’m on my way back after so many months of being hampered by tendonitis injury.
Seven Cruisers ran from the Centre Wednesday evening under perfect weather conditions; cool but cloudless, leaves on the ground. The seven used the usual route to the IGA corner and return, Stormin’ Norman, Rene, Rod and Sharon leading the pack, with Norman, Rene and Rod returning in 1:05, Sharon falling back to complete the run with RA Edie, Libby and Bobtoc, to finish in 1:16.
Six Cruisers including Ross Johnson walked or ran from the Centre Saturday on a cool +5C, foggy morning at 8:15, with clearing later on. Norman, Rod and Bobtoc’s route was south to Government Street continuing to Winston Street, turning back at the Sperling pedestrian overpass to return. Distances: for Norman, 12.7k, for Rod, 12 k, and for Bobtock 11 k, compressing an hour’s run into 1:30. with Norman and Rod doing a Bobturns. Larry and Flora from Government Street also walked along the north trail to the Nature House at Piper, veered off to view the beaver dam in the lake (no beavers sighted). Their time out 1:30. The five met at the bridge at the foot of Cameron Street to view spawning pink or chum salmon. Ross ventured out on his own for a 40 minute walk.