Taken before the run at the Courtyard Marriott – Eager Beaver, Rick, already heading for the start line. Larry Edie Rob Debra Norman and Christina – Cruisers!
The weekend:
Monday: Yet another Cruiser was active on the weekend. Alex Lau ran the North Shore Credit Union Half Marathon Monday Oct 11, placing third place in his age group, winning a pair of socks for his fine showing of 2:01:47. Frank Norman, one of Len Soet’s boys, placed first in the same age group.
Correction of Norman’s marathon time Sunday: I made a typographical error. His time was and should be 3:53:10, not 3:54.10. My apologies, Norman.
Oops! Kudos to the drivers in the wee hours of last Friday morning, Nancy, Rod and Sharon who ferried runners and supporters to the train station at Main and Termin
al. Our thanks to you.
Wednesday: Eight Cruisers ran or walked from the Centre Wednesday evening. All ran/walked west from the Centre using the familiar Eastlake route and continuing in different pace/distance groups. Larry and Alex walked to Underhill and Broadway and return, 1:00; Rod ran the same route, time 48 minutes, distance for the trio 5.6 km. Rene, Libby and Rachel continued through to Forest Grove Drive and returned via the Gaglardi overpass, distance circa 8.5 km, time 50 to 58 minutes; and Edie and Bobtoc ran, mostly, to Underhill and return, 39 minutes. All eight enjoyed good weather, no precip.
Saturday: Seven Cruisers turned out Saturday morning at the Centre for walks or runs suitable to their training needs. The seven moved west on Cameron Street, south to Government St, south and west to Cariboo Road. Alex, Rod and Bobtoc opted to use Joe’s Trail, all moving fairly slowly, ran to North Road and return, time 1:05. The others turned west on the north trail to Burnaby Lake. Walker Larry went out 35 minutes before reversing and returned to Cameron Centre, time 70 minutes total. Sha
ron ran as far as the nature house on the north trail before returning, her time 50 minutes. Rene and Shiraz continued on the north trail to the nature house, then turned north on Piper Ave, then west on Winston St to Dairyland, then returned to the Centre; time 1:30, over 12 km. The seven experienced +3C at the start of their walk/runs, but no rain, and little overcast; perfect for the outing.
Sunday: Portland Half and Marathon