Monday: Rene, Lora, & Shiraz ran to the end of Joe’s trail while Rod power walked the same route in record time. Edie & Sharon ran out 20 minutes before returning to Cameron. We stopped to take a photo in front of the graffiti – look carefully to spot Sharon. The night was very hot and humid.

Wednesday: Rod, Sharon and Rene turned out for a run, cooler than Monday but still hot. Rod ran to Sears before deciding to walk and Sharon and Rene continued to Burnaby Golf Club before turning back to rejoin Rod.

Saturday: Seven Cruisers met 7:30 am, Bobtoc a few minutes thereafter, and ran or walked from the Centre. Rod, Larry and Bobtoc walked to the crosswalk on Arden Drive opposite the golf course and returned, time 1:20, distance 7 km. RA Edie and Shiraz ran to the IGA corner and returned, time 1:20, distance 9.5 km. Stormin’ Norman and Sharon continued to the Kensington Ice Rink before turning, time 1:45 and 1:52, distance 16 or 17 km. The seven enjoyed spectacular weather and beat the heat to boot., probably the best morning of the year. Nancy Stagg came to mind along the way since the first blackberries of the season were picked and tasted. (Nancy is a champion of berries, be they salmon or black).