Tom goes to the Rockies – Should have left his hair long for the cold!

Monday: Seven Cruisers: Rachel Lindquist, Rene, Rod, Ryan, Sharon, Tracy and Bobtoc met at the Centre for a run to Como Lake and return, Tracy and Rene completingtwo laps before the return while the other five ran one lap only. Time and distance, 1.10, 8.8 km. Alex Lau missed the seven by minutes so ran west instead of east to the IGA corner and back. The eight enjoyed a cloudy but warm evening.

Wednesday: Six Cruisers: Alex, Rod, Rene, Sharon, Libby and Bobtoc ran Wednesday from the Centre to Underhill Ave for hill repeat training, the four first-named runners completing 4x and the latter two, 3x, after which the six ran east on Forest Grove to the pedestrian overpass, turned left on Beaverbrook and continued back to the Centre. Distance for the first four, 9.4 km, for the last two, 8.8, time for all about 1:13. The six experienced overcast skies but no precip and a heavy atmosphere.

Cruisers go hiking and Rod and Bob present Tom with a Cruiser mug!

Five Cruisers: Stormin’ Norman, Tom Jung, Rod, Bobtoc and Edie met at the Centre at 8:00 am. This run would be the last one that Tom would be with us. For the occasion Tom was presented with a Cruiser mug (the ceramic kind, not a photo), with thanks for his companionship while in Canada, best wishes for his challenge of the Grouse Grind on the Sunday, and his return to Pusan Korea Monday. After that the five ran from the Centre Saturday west as far as Willingdon Avenue and Francis Street on a very warm muggy day. The five made a pit stop at the Kensington Ice Arena on the westward leg before continuing to Willingdon Avenue turnaround. Norman, Tom and Rod separated from Bob and Edie, with Rod meeting the latter two at Duthie Avenue, having reversed his travel to wait for and meet Bob and Edie. Norman and Tom completed their run in circa 2:20, Rod about 2:40 and the remaining two 2:54, all times including pit stop and walking time. The run seemed tough, not sure why, perhaps the heat and humidity.