Twelve walkers and runners met Monday at the Centre, seven opting to walk and five to run. The objective completed by runners Anita, Lora, Sayeeda, Shiraz and Tom Jung was to run to and return from Como Lake. The objective of walkers Adele, RA Edie, Flora, Larry, Tracy, Bobtoc and Valerie was to walk the route to Como Lake for 30 minutes and return to the Centre. The objective was not fully fulfilled since Val, having snowshoed Sunday found she had overdid the physical activity bit and did not continue the walk. Tim, Edie’s husband, cameo to the rescue with his golden chariot (actually a yellow pickup) and transported Val to her home. Well done, Tim! Adele and Tracy maintained a brisk pace and, with bobturns, covered more ground than the other five. The dozen movers and shakers enjoyed a cool but comfortable evening, perfect for the run and walk.
News of mini-Cruisers:
Gina Spanos is the proud Mom of daughter Sophia, born Saturday April 10! Jennel Fatiguo is in her eighth week of pregnancy, a brother or sister for Anamaria. Best wishes to all!
Seven runners met Wednesday at the Centre. nLibby, RA Edie and Rod chose a short run, still recovering from the Gibsons half. Libby and Rod chose to run to Underhill at Broadway and return, distance 5 1/2 k. Edie ran to Underhill and Eastlake before returning. Lora, Sayeeda, Shiraz and Tom Jung ran to the IGA corner and on the return fartlek’d using the trail east of Underhill at Broadway to Production Way thence to Eastlake, Beaverbrook and Cameron St, distance circa 9.5 k.
Saturday ~ Six runnners met at and ran from the Centre Saturday morning. RA Edie and Flora ran west to the IGA corner and return, distance 9:5 km. Norman, despite his plantar fasciitis injury, Rod, Tom Jung and Sharon ran west on the same route to Duthie, Norman and Rod turning back at that juncture, his time and distance 1:25 and 11 km, Tom and Sharon continued west, ran as far as Springer Avenue before turning back, their time being 2:15, and distance guestimated at 18 km. Bobtoc was waylaid by a head cold. The six experienced cloudy weather, with the longer-distance four experiencing precipitation, particularly Tom and Sharon.