Six Cruisers: Tracy, Rachel Lindquist, Anita, Alex, Rod and Bobtoc welcomed Tom Fung into the group. Tom is from Pusan, Korea, interning for a few months in Canada. The seven , led by Tracy, ran to Como Lake, took one lap, and returned to the Centre; time and distance, 1:03, 9km. The seven endured a cold +5C, overcast evening.
Seven runners/walkers embarked from the Centre Wednesday on a cool to cold evening. Walkers Libby, Val and Bobtoc walked to Joe’s trail 29 minutes out and returned, total time 58.43. Runners: Rod completed 6 km same route, total time 46 minutes, adhering to the half marathon training schedule. Alex, Sayeeda, Tom Fung ran to the green barrier at North Road before returning, their time 56 minutes.
Six runners ran from Cameron Centre to Duthie and Greystone and returned to the Centre, time and distance 1:23 and 11 km. Anita, Rod, Tom Fung, Rachel and Shiraz went the distance, with Edie doing a slightly shorter distance. The six experienced cold temperature, no precip, but high humidity. Bobtoc chose not to run due to soreness in an ankle. Alex planned a 32 km run in antiipcation of the Vancouver Marathon. More from him later.