Sharon poses with a Bud Lime bottle. Worth a fortune! Lots of Bud cans on the route Saturday – everyone was asking if Laurie and I had been partying – sadly no.

Monday: Two old shepherds attended at the Centre Monday at 6:30 to watch over the flock. The flock in their wisdom stayed home, displaying more smarts than Rod and Bobtoc. The two gathered up their staffs, cloaks and asses for sustenance at Tim Horton’s. The running/walking conditions were poor indeed. :

Wednesday: Seven runners met at the Centre Wednesday. Alex, RA Edie, Larry, Libby, Lora, Sayeeda and Bobtoc ran to Underhill for hill repeats, 4x for all, then returned via Forest Grove Drive, the pedestrian overpass, the Beaverbrooks to the Centre, time, 1.21, The seven enjoyed a balmy, no precip, no wind evening, quite a change from some of the cold evenings and Saturdays encountered recently. Adele, Tracy and Bob met at Tim Horton’s after the run for coffee and album-viewing. The album gets better at each viewing. Thank you again for the work put in to this book, Edie, Christina, Sharon, Rainy, no doubt more.

Eight runners met at the Centre Saturday for a run into New Westminster. Alex, RA Edie, Flora, Larry, Osama, Rod, Sharon and Bobtoc ran to Joe’s Trail, continued east past North Road to Fred Hume Park, ran to Larry’s hill, continued south and connected to Baird Street, entered the bus area servicing the Baird Street Skytrain station, then ran north back into the park, Joe’s Trail and to the Centre. time 1.27, distance 10.2 km, a leisurely run on a balmy morning, temperature +8C, clouds, some blue skies showing, no wind. Alex measured out our hill repeat Wednesday evening run and by his reckoning those who ran covered 9.1 km. Thanks Alex for no pun intended going the extra mile for our statistics.