Six Cruisers: RA Edie, Alex, Larry, Libby, Rod ( in shorts! ) and Bobtoc met at the Centre Wednesday for the annual Christmas light run on a frigid evening. The group on the advice of Edie who advised the usual display of lights we have enjoyed for a number of seasons on Smith Avenue in Coquitlam have been reduced to one house only in place of at least a whole block of houses. We opted therefore to view the Forest Hills area, notably Meadowood, where we found a suitable display of homes well-decorated. Some of the veterans salivated over one house in particular which would be most suitable for a clubhouse. Edie visualized it suitably littered with Bud cans and cartons, making it “homey” for a few of the Club, i.e., the two would-be Bud princesses. N.B. It’s sad, really.
Larry walked a route for the viewing to give his plantar issue a bit more time before resuming running. The route from the Centre included the Beaverbrooks to the Gaglardi overpass, west on Forest Grove Drive to Shellmont, down to Meadowood for the winter lighting displays, back via Broadway, Underhill, Eastlake to the Beaverbrooks and Cameron Street; time 1.10, distance between 8.45 and 8.6 km and temperature -2. Rod gave us a rundown on the history of Xmas lights (the actual lights and where they can be purchased from).
Twelve runners/walkers appeared Saturday morning at the Centre. Walkers Lynn and Al who used the same route as the runners covered 11.2 km in 1.45. Runners Carla, RA Edie, Alex, Larry, Stormin; Norman, Tish now back from England, Rod, Osama and his friend Fuad and Bobtoc ran to the Burnaby Lake parking lot via Cameron Street, the pavement at the south end of Beaverbrook to Government St, to Cariboo Road, into the north trail to the parking lot and returned. to the Centre, time 1.40 inclusive of all stops and walks, distance approx 12,5 km, temperature -2, humidity dry, providing safe traction.