Six Cruisers met Monday on a balmy, no precip evening. Al and Lynn brought their two friendly dogs for their walk, after the runners, particularly RA Edie, gave the dogs lots of pats. Too bad Christina missed them. The four runners: Alex, Edie, Tish and Bob, together with Al and Lynn, headed west toward the IGA corner. Al and Lynn walked 50 minutes; the runners’ time and distance were 1.08 and 9.5 km.
SevenCruisers gathered together Wednesday on a mild but rainy evening. Alex, Edie, Larry, Libby, Lora and Val dragged Bobtoc out into the rain kicking and screaming, then the seven weighed anchor and ventured out into the stormy evening, turning west to Underhill, north to Forest Grove Drive, east to the pedestrian crosswalk to the Beaverbrooks and return to the Centre. Rivers flowed at the curbs; running shoes were drowned in no time. After a while when we warmed up, the leisurely run went well; 54 minutes for 6.5 km, with rumours we had enjoyed the best night of the year. Upon returning, Alex, Edie, Larry and Bob debriefed at Tim Horton’s and scarffed lard balls in memory of Tracy, hot chocolate or coffee. Life is good. Not in memory of Tracy, but in honour of Tracy.
Two Cruisers plus two runners from the Telus team met Saturday 8.00 am. Here is the report from Len Soet of Telus who kindly reported on the soggy soggy day. Bobtoc did not run due to the runs. Don’t ask.
Hi Bob
Thanks for coming to see us off this morning. We ran up to Duthie and Greystone and back via the usual route. Shirley’s GPS read 10.78 km and time was 1:11. Flora and my distance was slightly less as Shirley and Carla would turn around and come back to meet us, maybe around 10 km and about 1:15 time. And surprise, surprise, it was wet and cold the whole way.
Lynn and Al walked 9 km, time 1.25, despite the drenching rain the lower mainland experienced. Talk about grit!
Len Soet
From Rod:
Greetings from California, where the skies are cloudless, though a little bit cooler than usual. We have been keeping up with the exercise and went for a 9 mile bike ride today as well as lots of walking. Hope you are all keeping well in the soggy North.
(Rod and Pat are visiting their son and daughter-in-law who reside in the SFO area. They will return late Monday.)
From Christina and John Saremba:
I am pleased to inform you that Christina was thinking of her running friends
and decided to go for a run this morning along International Drive along the
outskirts of Orlando.
Our first week in Flordia has been quite relaxing and pleasant. The real
highlight yesterday was travelling to northwestern Florida and spending the day
snorkeling with manatees in the Crystal River area.
As this is our first major holiday in three years, it is great to be able to
catch up on some R&R time. We will be heading down to Miami to catch our
cruiseship on Sunday.