Yahoo! Flora is back. Rod watching the river run. We saw blue herons on our run today.

Rod presents Bob with a Cameron Cruiser Coffee Mug. He’ll probably use it for BudLime.

Wednesday November 18 Run
Well, the weather was so good, where was everyone?? Yes my dears, even though it was windy and very rainy, three Cruiser soldiers, Alex, Libby and Larry, braved the unwelcome conditions (or were we just nuts?) and carried on, took a shorter than usual run along Cameron, Beaverbrook, Eastlake to Underhill and then back. We ran at a slightly slower pace due to the torrents of water running along the ground, stepping over small lakes and pushing against the oncoming wind. It certainly does get better than this. We gave thought to taking the bus that was passing us where Cameron turns into Beaverbrook, but we realized that the honour of the Cruisers was at stake, so we didn’t wimp out. ‘Scuse us for patting ourselves on the back. Distance, about 4.5km ish, and time, about 35 minutes, give or take. Rod also came out to say hello but wisely chose not to run, instead opting to rest some sore muscles, but he missed all the fun.

Saturday:Seven Cruisers showed up Saturday 8:00 am. Before any walk or run commenced, Rod with assistance from Larry made a presentation to the undersigned of a coffee mug on which was imprinted our club emblem, complete with the Cameron Cruisers name and Latin motto. May I express my thanks for again another recognition of my recent birthday. Ah, it’s great to be getting old! Not sure when if ever I will be old, having transitioned seamlessly from middle age to second childhood! My thanks to all who contributed.
After the presentation, walker Al Field had no one with whom to walk, so opted to return home. Runners Stormin’ Norman, Rod, RA Edie, Flora, Tish and Bobtoc ran in a lesiurely fashion to Joe’s Trail as far as the pavilion road at Hume Park then retraced steps. Time out, 1:07. The runners were not rained on although the temperature felt cold due to the high humidity in the atmosphere.