Lori Delormre was welcomed Monday at the Centre by walkers Lynn and Al and runners RA Edie, Alex Lau, Carla, Rod, Valerie and Bob on a no-precip, mild evening. The nine used our most usual autumn route. Lynn and Al walked to the cross-walk at Arden Drive to the golf course then returned to the Centre; distance 6.7 km, time one hour. Edie, Valerie and Lori ran to the Underhill and Broadway intersection before returning, time approximately 40 minutes. The remainder, Carla, Alex, Rod and Bobtoc continued the leisurely pace to the Shellmont and Greystone intersection before returning, distance 8+ km, time 54.43.
Laurie Hilborn and daughter Anna ran the Brewskidaddle Sunday which started at the ungodly late hour, more than midway through the day, 11.00 am. Laurie said their race packages contained half-size beer mugs- still too large for (ugh) Budweiser. The latter comment is editorial note.
Late stat from the Victoria Marathon: Chris Conn, chip time 3:32:09.
Wednesday: Apologies to Tish whose name was omitted from those who ran Monday evening. Tish most certainly was with us and ran well.
Renee Gibeau and Sayeeda Hudani were welcomed by runners RA Edie, Alex Lau, Larry, Libby, Rod, Lora Delorme, Tish, Tracy, Valerie and Bobtoc. The dozen ran east to Como Lake, Valerie abd Lora turning back at Blue Mountain Street. The remaining ten continued to the Lake, some circumnavigating it, then all returned to the Centre. Darkness will rule out looping the lake until next year. The twelve enjoyed a no-precip, +12C evening, ideal conditions for the run. Time 1.05, distance, varying, approximately 8.5 to 9 km.
Saturday:Tish did not run with us Saturday morning.
Seven Cruisers met at the Centre Saturday circa 7:30 am. Lynn and Al walked west from the Centre to use the Urban Trail rstarting at Burnaby lake parking lot, through to the old Sperling Avenue, the new trail leading to Douglas Road to Still Creek St and points west, the intention being to cover 18 km in prep for the Fall Classic. Runners Stormin’ Norman, Larry, Rod and Bob were pleased to welcome back Gi-Nyun, fresh home from Korea. The five ran west, Gi-Nyun running as far as the IGA corner only, with the other four continuing to the Kensington Ice Arena then return for a 16 km distance; time for Larry and Norman, 1:44, and for Rod and Bobtoc, 2:00. The seven enjoyed a cool, dry morning, trees in autumn colours, leaves on the ground, probably the best morning of the year.
Rod’s field hockey team played at 3.00 pm at UBC. He is in his 54th year of field hockey and they beat the 17 – 20 year olds 6 to 3. Way to go, Rod!!! It was worth a niggling groin injury to see the look on the young lads’ faces. Old guys rule! (Chicks really rule, but there were no chicks playing.)
Cruiser walkers Lynn and Al on Saturday am walked from the Centre through to Burnaby Lake and beyond, logging 17 km in 2.26 while the runners went to Kensington rink. Try to keep up with these two!
Three Cruisers ran the James Cunningham 9.5 race Sunday, without rain notwithstanding the deluge we experienced Saturday night. Chip Results are:
Alex Lau 49.45 12th in age group
Edie Kernighan 105.39 8th in age group
Laurie Hilborn 105.39