Rocky Point with Len Soet and Bucky – Check out the Autumn colours. And no, Bob, that’s rain, not fog.

Wednesday Oct 14: Eight Cruisers: walkers Adele, Larry and Tracy, and runners Alex, RA Edie, Libby, Rod and Bobtoc walked or ran the same route from the Centre being west to Underhill, north onto Underhill, east on Forest Grove Drive to the Gaglardi overpass and back to the Centre via the Beaverbrooks and Cameron Street. Times; 1.00 and .53 for the walkers and runners respectively. The eight were spared from rain which quit in time for the journey.

Saturday: Seven walkers and runners met at Rocky Point, 7:45 am. Walkers Lynn and Al followed the runners to the Ioco refinery gates then retraced steps to go up, up, up, the hill towards Anmore, 16.7 km, time 2.26. Runners RA Edie, Larry, Len Soet and his dog Bucky, Rod and Bobtoc ran to the refinery gates then retraced their steps back and continued to the pier to see a jellyfish, one seal, the dragon boat crews stretching before they picked up oars and water bottles and their trek down to the waiting boats, and the changing colours on the surrounding trees. Distance and time, 13.5 km, 1.31. The seven experienced precip, variously described as rain, mist, low fog, but a mild temperature of +14C.