Six Cruisers:  Tracy, Gina and Larry led the way for RA Edie, Libby and Bobtoc on a hilly route, starting from the Centre west and north via Beaverbrook up and over  the Gaglardi pedestrian overpass to Forest Grove Drive, up that hill to Underhill to Shellmont, down Shellmont into the Forest Hills subdivision to Greystone, Broadway and return.  Time out, 1 hour, distance, 9 km.  The six enjoyed relatively warm weather, clouds and sun, the best night of the year.
 If we had sun, why were we all wet through to our skin?  That’s a puzzler! I do believe it poured all the way, still a great run though.
Sgt. Major Christina, Rod, Carla, Larry and Tanya Jones will be motoring to Penticton for the Half or the 10k on Sunday.  Penticton traditionally does a great job on this Victoria Day weekend set of races; the five should have a great weekend.  Safe there, safe home.
Girolino di Burnaby June 6: 
Don’t forget to volunteer.  Rainy wants YOU.