On Saturday Apr. 25, a total of ten runners attended, which is great to see. Newcomers Gina, Reagan Patterson and Leanne Dalton joined Larry, Rod, Edie, and Norm. Also returning were Ryan Lekivetz and Sharon Kelly who were welcomed warmly. The gang of nine ran the Burnaby Lake trails, doing the whole circle from the south side to the north, meeting Laurie Hilborn along the way, who was doing a north side to south side route (sorry Laurie for our mixup on which side we were doing first) . The overhead cloud and milder temperature made for great running conditions, as the group eventually split up into three little ones, with Ryan and Norm speeding ahead, Larry slightly behind them but catching up now and then, finishing at a time of 1 hour 40 minutes, Gina, Reagan and Sharon at 1 hour 45 minutes, and Rod, Leanne and Edie at 1 hour 50 or so minutes, distance for the whole group 14ish km.
Rod returned from San Franciso and says now is a great time to go Stateside as prices everywhere are down – Best Western hotels $49 a night, Eddie Bauer shorts $10, and cheap booze. Rock n Roll in Seattle here we come!