Nine Cruisers met at Cameron Centre Monday including Larry and Rod who made cameo appearances only, RA Edie for a walk with her dogs April and Bella, Bobtheoldehap who ran only 22 minutes, while the remaining five, Shiraz to IGA and back, Tracy, Val, Carla, and Adele ran to Joe’s Trail, up North Road and through the trails to Lougheed Mall path and back to the centre, time about an hour.  The nine enjoyed warm weather and sunshine, a welcome change from the arctic-like temperatures and winds endured by us for an extended time.  Rod left this morning for Menlo Hills near Stanford University, CA. 
Next event, a major one for Norman,  the Diez Vistas 50 km Ultra.  Correction on day and date:  Saturday April 18.
Photos:   taken by Chris Nicol at the April Fool’s Half Marathon are forwarded concurrently with this Newsletter.  Thank you, Chris.  They will be loaded on the Cruisers’ Picassa Album and I’ll print some for the board.
FEMALE RUNNERS:  We have read or heard of the murder of Wendy Ladner-Beaudry in the Pacific Spirit Park in the UBC endowment lands area of Vancouver.  She often  ran alone according to the newspapers and radio.  Since at this time there are no leads or clues, i.e, random or otherwise,  please, please be very careful.  Run with a companion please.