Seven Cruisers: Adele, back from her spring break in Jamaica, joined Contre-Amiral Edie, Tracy, Val, Larry, Rod and Bobtheolderchap on a dry, relatively warm Wednesday evening at the Centre for hill repeats. Adele overcame her long-lasting cough while in Jamaica, ran from her home in Forest Grove to the Centre. From the Centre the seven ran to Underhill and Broadway; Val and Edie ran Adele back to her home and continued back to Cameron Centre via Forest Grove Drive, over Gaglardi, past Stoney Creek and you know the rest. Tracy, Larry, Rod and Bob did three hill repeats on Underhill before returning to the Centre, Tracy leaving the other three to run home. Time out, 1.07. Bobtheolderchap ran in the morning with the Burnaby Lake Sun Run Clinic, which clinic also enjoyed good weather.
Zinfandel: Queen of Zinnie Tracyakamarybeth: Ran like a deer; paced the rest of us. That Zinfandel’s not so bad it seems. But it is NOT Blonde Leffe from Brussels.
For those running March 28 and March 29, Good luck on your events!