Would you believe today is the second day of spring, 2009? Outside temperature at 8.00 am, 0C.  It’s been fine weather for ducks as they have found a pond at Cameron.  Maybe we should take up swimming instead of running. With wet suits to keep us warm.
Three Cruisers: Larry, Rod and Bobtheolderchap joined and welcomed Len Soet of the Telus runners at Cameron Centre for a 16 km run to the Kensington Ice Rink and return. The four, plus Len’s dog Bucky, a chow-rotweiler cross, 106 pounds, RA Edie eat your heart out, enjoyed a cold but sunny morning for the run. The four needed to be on the lookout for icy spots on the way out, but the warmth from the sun melted any errant ice for the return run. Time for Rod, Len and Bob, 2.06, time for Larry about 10 minutes less.

Zinfandel: Queen of Zinnie Tracyakamarybeth: Unaccounted for Saturday. Oh well. She’ll show up; she did in Maui!