October 31 – Happy Halloween!!

Saturday morning saw Rod, Susan, Larry, Alex, René, and Ivan with his pup Lulu, who’s grown quite a bit in the last few weeks and is just as energetic as ever, walk along Joe’s trail, stopping a few times along the way to look for the spawning coho salmon.  We saw quite a few along various points of the Brunette River.  The spawning season is just starting up so we should see more activity in the next couple of weeks.  We enjoyed the gorgeous sunny weather.  Susan got into the Halloween spirit by wearing a wig!   Time for the group 2h15, distance 10 km.  Alex ran around Hume Park so his distance was greater, about 13 km or so.

October 28

On Wednesday evening, Rod, Larry, René, Edie, Alex and Kevin walked the Forest Grove route all the way around, returning along Eastlake on a mild, pleasant no-rain evening.  Alex, Edie and Kevin made a bold move to shake things up and walked on the new sidewalk on the north side of Eastlake and it met with their approval.  Distance 7 km and time about 1h25.

October 26

On Monday evening, Edie, Kevin, Larry and Bobtoc walked from the Centre onto the Eastlake route to Underhill and return; enjoyed a no rain condition; distance and time 5 km,  1hr 7min.

Coquitlam Cruisers:
Yahoo!   Heather & Jennel finally got to meet up and run together on a nice Monday morning.  Around Town Centre twice, then back to our homes. 12km for Jennel, 10km for Heather:) …… On the road again!!

October 24

On Saturday morning,  Alex, Edie, Flora ,Kevin, Larry, Len and Miriam together with granddog Jax, Rene, Rod, Susan and  Bobtoc met at the Centre and walked the Stoney Creek route to view the salmon swimming upstream for the purpose of laying their eggs for the forthcoming generation.  The weather was no rain, on the cool side, but the views of the fish were worth it, although the number of fish noted struggling upstream seen was only about six or seven. 

The month of November is THE month to view, so I  think  we should tackle this mission again later.  “Senators” Rod and Bob, taking into account their age and knowledge… walked with the others to the gate at North Road and returned to the Centre, taking in more views of the fish on their way.  The others continued north on North Road to or past Chapman Avenue before returning.  Time and distance for the two, 1hr 30 min., distance 4 km.  For the others, about 1hr 45 min.; distance of course longer. 

All in all, a lesson for our surroundings and existence. Thank God for what He has created.
PS.  Our thanks for the photos supplied by email of Cruiser get-togethers to Len!

October 21

On Wednesday evening  Alex, Edie, Flora ,Kevin, Rene and Bobtoc met at the Centre and again walked the Eastlake route from the Centre and returned; distance 4.6 km, time 1hr.5  minutes. 

The temperature was cooler than what the group has experienced; it was an incentive to the group to pick up their pace. No precip however. Autumn is obviously with us.  Remember to dress appropriately, also have lights and or reflects.

October 19

On Monday evening , Alex, Edie, Kevin, Larry, Rod,  Susan and Bobtoc again met at the Centre and walked the Eastlake route from the Centre and returned; distance 4.6 km, time 1hr. 16 minutes.  The group enjoyed a no rain evening, although the temperature was on the cool side. 

October 17

On Saturday on a no-rain and relatively mild morning, Alex, Flora, Rene, Kevin, Larry, Susan and Bobtoc met at the Centre and chose as the destination the tried and true Joe’s Trail for their walk and or run.  All seven walked to the gate ending at North Road.  The group noted at least one fish on her way upstream to lay her eggs; the miracle of one of God’s creations.  On the return from the gate, Alex, Flora and Rene opted to run.   The distance walked or ran was 7.5 km.  Time to return for the first three was1.33; time for the four walkers, 1.48.  All in all, a good morning. 

PS: A bit of history: It is over 30 years ago when a group of folks started running.  New vistas were open to all participants.  One of the participants was  Joe Turtle.  Joe led the novices to the said trail we have used for years, one not known by the novices.  What a great route it is!  When the group saw it and used it, it was promptly named Joe’s Trail.  THANK YOU, JOE! 

October 14

On Wednesday Edie, Kevin, Larry, Rene and Bobtoc walked from the Centre to Eastlake, and walked that route to Underhill and return on a no-rain but a mite chilly evening. Time, 1hr 2 min,  distance, call it 5 km.  Good discussions enroute.

October 12 – Happy Thanksgiving!!

Thanksgiving Monday saw 9 Cruisers plus 2 canines venture out to the Stanley Park seawall to enjoy surprisingly nice, mostly sunny morning weather and gorgeous scenery. Rachel and her dog Sydney joined the group at our start from the Vancouver Park Board parking lot for about a quarter of the route before heading back, while the rest of the gang continued ‘round the seawall enjoying the beauty of our park and the ocean views.  Flora, Kevin, Larry, Susan, Len and Miriam and Jax, Edie, and Alex completed the walk.  Miriam, Flora and Susan dipped their feet in the ocean up to their knees at Second Beach, (possibly training for the Polar Bear Swim?).  Distance 10 km, time 2.5 hours. 

Thanks to Edie for suggesting the route – as we sometimes forget the treasure we have in the Stanley Park area.  Attached is a sample of the scenic nature of our walk, picture taken by Flora – enjoy!   


Stay safe everyone.

October 10

Saturday morning saw 10 Cruisers plus 1 canine attend at Cameron Centre for a walk along the Burnaby Lake trail to Piper Spit, where we saw, among the ducks, the mandarin duck that is now famous for frequenting Burnaby and Deer Lakes.  Edie, Susan, Larry, Bobtoc, Kevin, Len and Miriam with Jax, Flora, René and Alex enjoyed the no-rain, hint of sun with a peek of blue sky weather, and saw the leaves turning various colours of yellow along the well-kept lake trails.  Distance for all, 7.5 km, time for Flora, René and Alex, 1h35, and for the rest of the gang 1h 50.  Susan walked an alternate course to her home on the way back from Piper Spit.

October 7

Wednesday evening saw the darkness creep in as dusk arrived at 6:45 pm, so it was good that Kevin, Alex, Edie and Larry had lights and reflective gear as we walked along the Stoney Creek trail and turned into the trail that leads to Stoney Creek elementary school, went up Beaverbrook, crossed the Gaglardi overpass and walked up and around Forest Grove, back down Underhill, and along Eastlake and back to the Centre, a route we haven’t done for awhile, and it was all lit up.  Distance 7 km, time 1h35, weather was beautiful with a clear sky – we even saw some stars, which usually aren’t visible

October 5

On Monday evening Alex, Edie, Kevin, Larry, Laura and Bobtoc walked from Cameron Centre the Eastlake route to Underhill and return to the Centre, and enjoyed a no rain, comfortable temperature, autumn walk.

October 3

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