We respect everyone’s different comfort levels with group activities during this challenging time. Please use your discretion on participating in group activities and keep in touch with us.

March 30

On Wednesday evening Debbie, Edie, Glenn and Larry walked along Beaverbrook, crossed the Gaglardi overpass, turned left on Forest Grove Ave. and walked into the trail that leads up Forest Grove and alongside the townhouse areas and onto Forest Grove Ave. just across from Forest Grove elementary school, then along the trail that runs behind the school and down to Ash Grove Crescent, down the trail to Forest Grove Ave. and took Forest Grove Ave. down the usual way back across the overpass, cut over to the trail that goes behind Stoney Creek elementary school to the Stoney Creek trail and went along the trail to Beaverbrook and back to the Centre.

Our distance was 6.2 km and our time was 1h22. It was a beautiful warm, sunny evening – probably the best evening of the year weather-wise.

From Jennel: On Thursday, Jennel walked 6 km with her dogs.

From Flora: On Thursday Flora walked down the Coquitlam Crunch 1.67 km, up the crunch 1.99 km, then Rocky Point run/walk to April Road 10.05 km.

From Edie: West End History Walk Saturday April 15. FYI if you are interested. Edie will be attending. http://historywalksinvancouver.blogspot.com/


March 28

On Monday evening, in beautiful sunny weather, Flora, Glenn, Brenda, Edie and Larry met at Cameron Centre and walked along Beaverbrook to the Gaglardi overpass. However Brenda returned home from Noel and Beaverbrook due to some soreness in her hip (hope it is better Brenda!). 

The foursome carried on, crossed the overpass and turned left on Forest Grove and proceeded up the trail that runs parallel to the Forest Grove road, then continued up a trail that eventually wound down to the gravel trail that runs between Underhill and Broadway, where we turned up Forest Grove and went back into the trail, down to the street again, crossed the Gaglardi overpass again, went on the trail that extends behind Stoney Creek elementary school and joins up with the main Stoney Creek trail to Beaverbrook, and back to the Centre. 

Flora, and sometimes Larry, did a “party pace” jog along the route.  The group enjoyed the weather and did a distance of about 7 km and a time of 1h27.  

From Jennel:  Also on Monday, Jennel ran 13 km.  Good distance for the upcoming BMO!

From Edie:   West End History Walk Saturday April 15.  FYI if you are interested.  Edie will be attending.   



March 26

On Saturday morning Liane, Edie, Larry and Kevin met at Rocky Point on a drizzly-sleety cold morning and walked along the trail parallel to the water for as long as possible. The boardwalk is still closed and there were no signs of repair work being undertaken. We continued along the paved pathway for part of our journey then continued along Alderside to Ioco Road, and returned mostly the same way. Our distance was 10 km and our time was about 2 hours. The ice cream was enjoyable too! It was also nice that the weather brightened up after our walk.

Also on Saturday morning, Alex ran from his home to Central Park and did a Park Run around Central Park. The Park Run distance was 10 km. Alex’s total distance was 13.22 km and time 1h57. Flora ran with the Fit First training group out of Christine Sinclair Centre, her distance 10.5 km and time about 1h20.


March 21

On Monday evening Brenda, Glenn, Debbie, Liane and Larry met at Cameron Centre and walked the Stoney Creek trail up North Road to Chapman, then walked along Robinson to Smith to Clarke Road, crossed and continued down Lyndhurst, Willoughby, Morrey, and Cameron back to the Centre. Our distance was 6.6 km and our time was 1h27. It was daylight the entire way, just got dark as we turned into the parking lot at the Centre. Thanks to Kevin for keeping the communications going while I was away!

From Jennel: On Sunday afternoon Jennel ran 19 km ! Ran at “party pace”, 3 rounds of running the crunch and just around my neighbourhood – down Panorama, David, Lansdowne, Johnson, Parkway Blvd (yep. no flat areas!) … Took the dogs for some, dropped them off, stopped in some stores along the route. Made it fun. Took most of the afternoon, but I did it! …and WOW did I sleep well! Heather did a run on Monday morning.


March 19

On Saturday morning Kevin, Alex, Edie and Larry met at Cameron Centre on a beautiful sunny morning and walked along the Stoney Creek trail, up Burnaby Mountain trail and around to the powerline trail, then returned the same way back to the Centre. Our distance was 5 km and our time was 1h30.

From Jennel: Heather ran 16 km last Monday morning, Jennel ran 17 km a couple of Fridays ago and is now resting up a bit on spring break.


March 18

At Wednesday night’s walk we had another special guest. None other then Flora’s sunshine Ross. Alex, Brenda, Glenn and I also showed up.

Because of the light night and spring weather the group decided to mix things up on our route. We headed towards Stoney Creek trail when Alex and Flora decided to jog. The rest of us continued walking along the trail when a large group from The North Burnaby Runners passed us and then stopped at North Road. The Cruisers continued up North Road to Chapman, where Brenda saw her first drug deal go down. We continued down Chapman when Flora & Alex bobturned to let us know they would jog back to Cameron.

We crossed Clarke to Robinson, turned at Smith back to Clarke then turned at Lyndhurst to Willoughby to Morrey were I said Goodbye. The group continued on back to Cameron.

Here is the route from Glenn 6.59km 1:28

Route by Glenn’s GPS device


March 15

On Monday night Glenn, Brenda, Liane, Edie and I showed up. We had special guests Eoin, Laura & Lucky join us. Alex had texted me that he would be late.

The group decided to walk down Cameron instead of through the Cameron Park. The idea was Alex would see us doing the Forest Grove route.

Right out of the gate the group splintered. Brenda & Liane took the lead and were rounding the corner towards Stoney Creek School. Glenn and I had just crossed Noel when Glenn noticed the ELLE weren’t in sight. So I texted Edie to see if they were waiting for Alex. She responded Yes. Then we see Alex running down the Cameron Park trail. When he catches up to GK he didn’t realize ELLE were waiting for him so he runs back as GK continued on.

Glenn took me on a new and interesting route. We walked the usual Forest Grove route but turned left instead of right after the overpass comes to the road. This went on some trails that eventually lead to Underhill. By this time BL were concerned they didn’t see anyone, so Brenda called Glenn. GK then met up with BL at Broadway and walked back to Cameron.

Even though we split up. Everyone enjoyed the light night with clear skies. Lucky was so happy to see everyone was back and greeted us.

I am starting to think we need GPS trackers for everyone just to keep track. 😀

Here is the route and stats from Alex.

Stats from Alex’s GPS App


March 13

On Saturday Liane, Len, Miriam, Jax, Edie and I showed up. I decided to walk a circle route to Joe’s trail. We headed down Cameron and came across the Eriksen’s on Erickson in their car. We had a brief chat before we both went our separate ways.

The walkers took the underpass at Lougheed to Keswick Park and continued on the trails to the Hanam Supermarket. On the trail we came across some amazing wood carvings. We didn’t see the craftsman, but I have in the past. He is a Mexican senior who visits his family here.

We continued down North Road to Joe’s trail which was busy with a cycling group and lots of runners. In the group of runners we came across Flora. I gave her and high five and cheered her on.

We turned up Cariboo, Government to Brighton then turned on Eastlake., Beaverbrook back to Cameron.

It was about 7 km and took about 2 hrs. The weather was cold and showers. Everyone seemed to enjoy this route since many had never walked it before.


March 11

On Wednesday Edie, Flora, Liane, Glenn & Brenda and I showed up.

My plan was to mix things up and do a new route for a change. The plan was to walk Stoney Creek to North Road up to Chapman then Clarke, North Road, Lyndhurst, Willoughby, Morrey to Cameron. That plan fell apart pretty quick.

FLB took off like a prison break and GEK lost sight of them in the darkness of Stoney Creek. However there were a few others on the trail without lights that we literally almost ran into.

When GEK came to North Road we made a decision to turn right and walk towards Broadway. We figured we would then meet FLB at North Road & Clarke. Big Mistake.

FLB did a Bob Turn at Chapman since they didn’t see GEK. They continued up North Road to Broadway. They turned at Still Creek and walked Noel to Cameron.

While GEK turned onto David. As we were walking towards Lucy the cat’s house, Glenn spotted an owl on the top of the telephone pole. We stopped to get a better look and Glenn used his head light, but we could only get a glimpse of the eyes. Then the owl glided without a sound to the top of a tree. What an awesome wild life sight. We continued on Willoughby, Morrey, Cameron.

GEK time was about 1 hr and 4 km. FLB showed up about 10 minutes later and did 5.5 km.


March 08

On Monday night Glenn, Brenda, Alex and Liane showed up. Flora was there to tell us all about her great ride she did earlier in the day.

The 5 of us walked our regular Forest Grove route. As always Liane & Brenda took off and were never to be seen until we returned to Cameron St. I was told the stats of the walk but I couldn’t be bothered to take notes. All I remember is everyone enjoyed the walk and avoided the rain for the most part.


March 05

On Saturday the new time of 9 am seemed to be popular. It surprised me with Flora, Miriam & Jax plus Brenda & Glenn. Edie also was there. So the 6 of us walked to Burnaby Lake via the road and returned via the Lake trail. We ran into some of the birders and Flora’s running group. The trail had a bit of snow and it was helpful that may on the walk brought a walking pole.
