June 2020
Colony Farm 
Monday June 1 2020: On Monday evening, Larry, Rod, Alex, Kevin and Edie walked along the Stoney Creek trail to the school, up over the Gaglardi overpass, along the Forest Grove trail northwest and up the stairs which lead to Maple Grove Crescent, then walked up Maple Grove to Forest Grove Drive, took Forest Grove back down to the overpass, and took the lower trail (which we haven’t done for a long time!) back to join the Stoney Creek trail, and back to Cameron Centre.  It was a beautiful evening with hardly anyone else on the trails, and clean air which was very much appreciated.   Time 1h03, distance 4.6 km.  
We’ve heard that Susan is walking up a storm during the day doing all sorts of routes, of which Burnaby Lake is a favourite.  Way to go Susan!   Other Cruisers are keeping busy with other day walks too.         

Wednesday June 3 2020: On Wednesday evening Alex, Edie, Kevin, Larry, Rod, Shiraz and Bobtoc met at Cameron Centre and walked to the north trail leading to Burnaby Lake; 2+ km then returned to the Centre.  The walkers enjoyed a no rain evening.  Time to complete 


the walk,1h 7minutes, distance 4.5 km.
Saturday June 6 2020:  
On Saturday morning, Alex, Bobtoc and Larry met at Rocky Point, and discovered that the parking lot was being repaved and was closed.  Plus, the ice cream shop was closed until 11 a.m.!   L   So the trio went to move their cars to the lower parking lot by the Boathouse restaurant (the Boathouse was also closed).  Alex and Larry waited for Bobtoc but he went home, probably due to the ice cream shop closure, ha ha! so Alex and Larry walked the trail to the beach area just before April Road, then took the paved walk/bikeway back, finishing our walk at the end of the pier (very low tide!), distance of about 6 km and time of 1h20.  The trail is one-way and walkers/runners have to return using the paved route, but the paved route has recently been resurfaced and expanded in most areas so it is wider, and is better for all cyclists, walkers and runners.  Even though it was raining somewhat, the canopy of the trees shielded us so we didn’t mind the weather at all.  As it was early in the morning, there weren’t many people out on the route, however by the time we returned to the park, more people were out and about.  There was a group of kayakers out on the water, so despite the Covid situation, the park is still well-used.                    
Social Distancing for Gecko Car Owners 
Monday June 8 2020:
On Monday evening, the Cruisers beat the rain as Larry, Bobtoc, Kevin, Shiraz and Alex walked the Stoney Creek trail to North Road, then did something different by walking down Rathburne to an entrance which led back to the trail, then walked along the trail until we came to the second set of steep stairs, and took those stairs up to Noel Drive, and we kept going up Lyndhurst to Willoughby, and walked south and then west along Cameron St. back to Cameron Centre.  Distance was 4.6 km in a time of 1h07.         
June 10 2020:  On Wednesday evening, Alex, Edie, Larry, Rod, Shiraz, Bobtoc and newcomer to the group Helen Luk  walked the same route used Monday evening, being  the Stoney Creek trail to North Road, then walked down Rathburne St. to an entrance which led back to the trail, then walked along the trail until we came to the second set of steep stairs, took those stairs up to Noel Drive, and kept going up Lyndhurst to Willoughby, then  walked south and then west along Cameron St. back to Cameron Centre.  Distance was 4.6 km in a time of 1h06.  I have used the description used by  Larry in his earlier email in which he detailed the route.  Thanks Larry.     
June 13 2020:On Saturday morning   Alex, Edie, Flora, Larry, Rene who ran from his home to the Centre, Rod, Shiraz, Susan and Bobtoc walked from the Centre into Coquitlam using Cochrane Ave., Appian Way, Robinson Street into the Coquitlam Cemetery and other streets and avenues in Coquitlam, then  in Burnaby, the Stoney Creek Trail, Lyndhurst school  grounds, Lyndhurst Street, Willoughby Avenue etc. among other streets back to the Centre.  The group enjoyed a no precip, mild temp morning.  Distance and time respectively 10.5 km and 1h 50 min.  Rene left the group in Coquitlam when the group reached his home. 




Lucky Update:  Foreshore Park
June 15 2020: On Monday evening, yes it did rain but it wasn’t that heavy, and armed with umbrellas Larry, Alex, Edie, Kevin and Rod walked along Stoney Creek trail to North Road, then walked down Rathburn to avoid the muddy part of the trail, to an entrance which led back to the trail briefly, then walked up alongside Como Lake road and up to Norcrest, along Noel Drive, then up Lyndhurst to Willoughby, and south and then west along Cameron St. back to Cameron Centre.  Distance was 5 km in a time of 1h05.  Alex did his usual run before the walk, an inspiration to the group!                              


June 17 2020:  On Wednesday evening Alex, RA Edie, Flora, Kevin, Rod, Shiraz ,and Bobtoc walked a route we have not used for ages and ages, notably from Cameron Centre south using the sidewalk leading past the elementary school to the underpass to the playground leading to Government Street, then east on Government Street to the corner with the traffic light where we usually head north back to the Centre, and continued back to it.  Time and distance respectively, 44 minutes, and about 3 km. 
Kevin’s walk to Deer Lake – He captured the elusive sandhill cranes.
Friday June 19 2020:  Solstice Run Burnaby Mountain Park
On Friday evening Alex and Angela, Flora, Edie, Ivan, Bobtoc,  Maureen and Greg with their dog Chester, June and Darlene walked the Solstice Walk on Burnaby Mountain, after which the group enjoyed some food supplied by Edie on the lawn at the mountain.  Distance and time varied.  Since June and Edie registered, their time and distance of 1.04 and 5k will be sent to the Running Room.  Alex ran about 8 to 9k.  The others did various distances and times.  
June 20 2020:  On Saturday morning,  Alex, Rod, Kevin and Bobtoc walked from the Centre to the Stoney Creek trail to North Road,  then returned to the Centre.  Time and distance, 1,05 and about 5k.
June 22 2020:On Monday evening Kevin, Rod and Bobtoc, with Flora joining the group a bit later, repeated the Saturday morning walk on the Stoney Creek Trail to North Road, then  returned to the Centre; time 59.45, distance 3.7km. The four enjoyed a warm, no rain evening.
June 24 2020: On Wednesday evening Alex, Edie, Helen, Kevin, Rod and Bobtoc met at Cameron Centre and opted to walk the Eastlake route to Underhill and return to the Centre.  The group enjoyed a no rain, pleasant temperature evening.
Time and distance respectively, 1:08 and 4.5 km. 
Coquitlam Cruisers:
Hi Bob…..Hope you had a wonderful Father’s Day!!!  I’m sure you did indeed!
So yahoo!  My girls are finished school….and I’m done teaching for this year!  I’m very  proud of them, keeping on task under these circumstances.  Homeschooling is not easy, but they were troopers and did fantastic keeping on task and continuing their regular schoolwork schedule.  
I have been running, but haven’t been writing my reports as someone is usually on the computer…..but I have been keeping active.  Usually it’s a last min call and I go for a run on my own.   Kind of a nice break from “teaching”.  Heather has been active too.  We just text back and forth our reports to each other.  We’re getting in runs, walks and hikes with our families……still keeping active even though we’re not reporting much.  Let the Cruisers know….we are still around!!!!
June 27 2020  On Saturday morning Alex and Bobtoc walked from the Boathouse Parking lot to the trail leading to Alderside  to  April Road then returned to the parking lot.  Time and distance respectively,  2:26 and 10k. Larry and Rod walked along the Rocky Point trails about halfway to the beach, then turned around and took the paved trail back, distance 3.8 km, time just under 1 hour.  Edie (with April) and Ivan (with his new pup Lulu!) walked a similar path along the paved trail about 2k and walked back along the path to the pier.  The four then enjoyed some ice cream, a pleasant surprise as the ice cream shop opened an hour earlier at 10 a.m.        
 June 29 2020: On Monday evening RA Edie, Alex, Kevin and Bobtoc met at the Centre and walked to the underpass south to Government Street, then west to the trail leading north at the intersection we are familiar with which leads back to Cameron Street and the Centre.  Time and distance, 45.51 and approx.. 3 k respectively.  The foursome enjoyed a no rain, warm evening.  Life is good!




Cruisers Outing, Socially Distanced