Isolated Cruisers in Action
Dear sorely missed Cruisers,
While vacationing in Slothville this morning and suffering from UTGOBS (unmotivated to get off butt syndrome), I thought we could encourage each other by measuring daily walks and reporting them with stories weekly.  I could put them on the blog unless Kevin has a better suggestion. 😊   It can be a friendly challenge – no shaming – to encourage us to keep fit and connected. 
Now you have had time to enjoy self isolation for a week, would like to float an idea. I could setup a Zoom meeting to do a tele/video conference for 1/2 hr on Monday night at 6:30 pm. 
Email me by Monday morning and I will send an invite. 
Here is a link that will be helpful.
If you have any questions let me know.

The Art of Exercising from Susan

‘Go home and stay home.’ But also exercise. How do we do that? | CBC News

To March 28th 2020 Reports:

Rod and Pat got out for a walk, using the Eastlake route to Underhill and return;  we talked about it this a.m..
Pat and I went along Stoney Creek trails on Saturday afternoon. Saw Larry on Noel Drive and Kevin on one of the trails, so the Cruisers are out doing their thing.
Distance about 4.5 km. Time about 50 min.  Rod

Laura and Eoin met Edie and April at Como Lake for once around for me, park and home 3.15k and a few times around for the Farrellys.  Forgot to turn off Runkeeper and next morning got stats for 15 hour and 4 hours per k.  Delete!

Yesterday morning I ran 6 km to see the nesting Great Blue Herons at Gilpin and Deer lake parkway. Yesterday afternoon I did a similar 5 km route with Miriam and Jax. Here are some pictures (the last 7). Today we did a short 3 km walk in the afternoon when there was a short break in the rain. Len

I am in. I did one today in the rain. It was lovely. 
Next time I will add pictures.  Flora

Hello virtual Cruisers, 

Did the Coq Crunch stairs *2. Up -east stairs and 

down the West side. One way traffic for social distancing rules in place. 
Started to rain more just as I started followed by a much needed Starbucks 
peppermint mocha. 
PS- Blurb goes with the dreary crunch pics. I hit sent too soon. 

I ran on the usual Monday, Wednesday and Saturday. From home to Central Park and back. distance between 5.5K to 6.5K.  Time 45 to 55 minutes.


Edie – Walked 4k in the neighbourhood then picked up April and did another 1.75 to Miller Park.  

The Running Man
Today I went out around lunch time. It was drizzling at the beginning of the run and then it stopped midway.

I also decided to have a bit of fun with this run… I hope you like it.
I call it “Running Man” 😂🏃‍♂

I did enter the GPS art for the Running Room Virtual 5K challenge (here goes nothing) – 
Kevin – Just finished walking Stoney Creek to North Road Train Return home 6.3 KM 1 1/2 hr with allowance for Social Distance and dogs off leash.

Alert from Rod:

Save On Foods now open 7-8 am for Seniors Only
Walmart open at 7 am (usually pretty quiet. Sunday even better)
London Drugs open for seniors at 8 am until 9 am
Costco open at 8 am for over 60’s Tuesday and Thursday (security do monitor this for age to stop the “locusts”) Long lines so get there about 15 minutes early.
Rod and Pat

March 29 2020:

Pat and I went to the rugby club and walked the inner Burnaby Lake trail on a partly sunny morning. (Rain coming again later).
Time out 1h55, distance 10.2 km. Lots of people and dogs out (more than I have ever seen on the trails. All keeping the regulation distance. One guy biking on the trail got hell from a group. Rod

I met my friend Nancy at Joe’s Trail and we walked on either side for 4k in 52 minutes.  It was sunny and lots of walkers and cyclists were out.  One cyclist yelled at Nancy and I for walking all over the road – not!  We usually go for coffee after walks but straight home today!

The buds are coming out on the trees, now we just need warm weather!
Eoin and Laura did 3.12 on Decare Trail. Eoin was all dressed up with nowhere to go – oh well, another walk sounds good!                                            Out everyday rain or shine!

Len and Miriam –  I went for 9.8 km from our house around Deer Lake and back yesterday. Miriam also did a walk with our friend Leslie to the Deer Lake trail. Here are my pictures (the last 10). 
And here’s my endomondo map ( not sure you can see it. You have to scroll down after and if you can open it. Sometimes I have to refresh the screen twice).
Flashbacks – Running Down Memory Lane
March 29 2020 
Is the Doc referring to US?  ‘Couldn’t be!                               Even the geese are practising social distancing!
I was at the liquor store yesterday. Two guys came in with masks and everybody panicked. It wasn’t until they shouted,  “This is a robbery!” that we all calmed down.      
March 30th – Kevin organized a Zoom conference for the Cruisers.  Alex, Flora, Susan, Edie with April and Shelby, Len and Miriam with Jax attended.  Cruisers had various degrees of knowledge of the technology so Kevin did a lot of trouble shooting but finally managed to get us all connected, most by video and some by audio. Great to keep in touch and may be the only way we can all talk to each other for the near future.  Thanks, Kevin, for setting it up.

March 31st –
Hi Cruisers, we were happy to walk 6.53 km Seaforth to Como Lake track, around one half times and return.
“We are not caged up in our homes,
We are safe in our homes”……Thought for the day……. With record profits over many years,Canadian Banks should show leadership and help alleviate the fear and stress of those most vulnerable to loss of home & or rental unit “…..contribute to those in need by a charity donation E/L

April 2020 
Into our next month of isolation!  Here’s what Cruisers did yesterday:
Laura and Eoin: 
Seaforth to Como Lake Middle School Track,adjacent to Blue Mtn Park. ….5.89KM
Hail  stones on the way home…..Left knee acting up,right knee very very good.
Thanks for sharing, Eoin!  We’ll get back to this soon I hope.

And from Rod – apparently he’s found a new wine.


On Wednesday late evening April 1, Larry walked along Phillips to Greystone/Arden, along the path beside the golf course, down to Broadway and Underhill, then back the same way.  It wasn’t raining and only four other people and a cyclist were seen, so physical distancing wasn’t a problem.  The frogs at the golf course were quite loud, which was nice to hear.   Distance about 5 km and time of 1 hour on the dot. 
Stay safe and healthy everyone, 

 Ivan is keeping up his running and his artwork. 
Cruisers – The Next Generation
 Jennel is busy home schooling her girls with the help of her mom, who was a teacher for 25 years, and facetime.  Fun for her and the girls and gives Jennel and Tony a break.  Anamaria is taking Cooking 101 at home and looks like the teacher and student are excelling.  

 Our neighbors are repaving their driveway….they see me walking Nellie around the block many times!  They yelled out…”you’re always walking!”
Yep!  Was holding a coffee in hand… I told them next it will be a glass of🍷!!!
Just might!?!?!
Have a good evening!
Jennel ♥️♥️♥️

Kevin is clocking a lot of ks every day on multiple walks.  

April 2 – 2020
What the heck?  It was snowing at my house this morning.  Does the weatherman know it’s April?  

Don’t know why the font and layout changes when I save text and photos.😞

Pat and I went out this afternoon on Stoney Creek trails. Time out 55mins, distance about 5k.

April 3 -20

Edie walked 4.25k this morning in the neighbourhood in about an hour.  It was hailing when I turned down my street. April and I went for a 2k mosey and sniff walk to Miller Park this evening.  

I haven’t heard of any Cruisers doing marathons on their balconies, but Len sent this article for us:

 I’m not doing any marathons, but am listening to my running playlist – does that count?

Rod sent these new jokes:

April 5 2020:  

Looks like Spring but doesn’t feel like it – four degrees but sunny.  Edie walked from her house down Blue Mountain trail to Port Moody then up Gatensbury to Coquitlam and back home.  Time out 1:27, 6.25k and 33 floors.  The hills were not her friend and there were no craft brewery stops on the way!
Len’s a Running Man, too!   Good work, Len! 

From Jennel….we have been going on lots of hikes out in the bush away from everyone.  Great time.  Actually perimeter of Westwood golf course.  Just gorgeous!
Also got a 10km run in on Saturday…around my neighborhood.  Too many hills around here 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️
Getting ready for the BMO virtual run.  Not sure what that looks like right now.    But on Saturday saw Paul from Runners Den (he live up the street from me!) Actually way up the hill and he said its fine to run with others as long as youre at least 6ft apart side by side.  So Im not sure how Heather & I will do this or ne able to fine a location to run side by side that far apart….but trying to figure it out🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️
April 8 2020
Greetings Cruisers:
My wife Marie and I walked for the second time recently in two weeks from our home, north on the back lane to Parker St., south on Holdom Ave to Grant St, west to Howard Ave, north to the entry to our lane, north on the lane to return to our carport and home.  Weather, sunny and relatively warm; time 25 minutes, 37 seconds.   No big deal, but better than nothing.
 Jennel ran 5 km around her block then got extremely board, so decided to run down David, to the corner by Town Centre & back.   Nice new sidewalk that will be wide enough for Heather & I to run together when we get together (2M distance).  10km total
My Self-Isolation Quarantine Diary:
Day 1 – I Can Do This!!  Got enough food and wine to last a month!
Day 2 – Opening my 8th bottle of Wine.  I fear wine supplies might not last.
Day 3 – Strawberries:  Some have 210 seeds, some have 235 seeds.  Who Knew??
Day 4 – 8:00 pm Removed my Day Pajamas and put on my Night Pajamas.
Day 5 – Today, I tried to make Hand Sanitizer.  It came out as Jello Shots!!
Day 6 – I get to take the Garbage out.  I’m So excited, I can’t decide what to wear.
Day 7 – Laughing way too much at my own jokes!!
Day 8 – Went to a new restaurant called “The Kitchen”.  You have to gather all the ingredients and make your own meal.  I have No clue how this place is still in business.
Day 9 – I put liquor bottles in every room.  Tonight, I’m getting all dressed up and going Bar hopping.
Day 10 – Struck up a conversation with a Spider today.  Seems nice.  He’s a Web Designer.
Day 11 – Isolation is hard.  I swear my fridge just said, “What the hell do you want now?”
Day 12 – I realized why dogs get so excited about something moving outside, going for walks or car rides.  I think I just barked at a squirrel.
Day 13 – If you keep a glass of wine in each hand, you can’t accidentally touch your face.
Day 14 – Watched the birds fight over a worm.  The Cardinals led the Blue Jays 3–1.
Day 15 – Anybody else feel like they’ve cooked dinner about 395 times this month?
April 9 2020
ALL well computer/phone problems of late…we get a careful walk daily ….my left leg will have to wait a couple of years for surgery,not vert good
7am out each evening to support the incredible work of our medical workers…humbling indeed. Laura and Eoin
April and Edie are doing short walks in their neighbourhood, quite often to Miller Park, where it is still quiet.  Beautiful days. Daffodils are in bloom.
On Monday late evening April 6, Larry walked along Phillips to Greystone/Arden, along the path beside the golf course, down to the crosswalk just before Broadway and Arden, then back the same way, distance about 2.5 km and time of 30 minutes. Then on Tuesday April 7 in the afternoon walked the same route but extended it and walked along the path on Broadway to Underhill, the old tried and true Cruiser route, then returned the same way, distance about 5 km and time of 1 hour.   Beautiful weather out there!   Hi to everyone!
Rachel is looking for material donations as some of her colleagues are making scrub caps, etc. to keep them safe.  If you have material, please contact Rachel.
Stay home Cruisers so our front line safe Cruisers stay safe.
Pat and I out for a walk most days. Anywhere between 3 and 6 km. Met Ivan on the trail yesterday.
Big excitement today, out to Walmart at 7 am for groceries. Have to decide what to wear!!!
Cobb’s bakery now open at 7 am in Lougheed mall. Make great Hot Cross Buns.

Bob and  his bride Marie walked their 3rd time Wednesday evening, using the same route as described before, i.e. from our home onto the lane, then north to Parker Street, east to Holdom Avenue, south to Grant St, west to Howard Avenue as far as the lane entry back to the lane, then turned into our property.  Took time out to speak to a friend whose home also ends at our mutual lane; enriched our lives by seven minutes quality time;  total time 33 minutes, 7 seconds.  Life is good.

Teachers just sent this to the kids for a creative way to do P.E. at home!  😊  Anamaria is not impressee she has four As in her name!!! Lol
Good workout!  Try it!  You can send it to all the Cruisers to for alternative ways to workout 🏃🏃🏃🏃🏃hers just sent this to the kids for a creative way to do P.E. at home!  
😊  Anamaria is not impressee she has four As in her name!!! Lol
Good workout!  Try it!  You can send it to all the Cruisers to for alternative ways to workout 🏃🏃🏃🏃🏃
Aril 10 2020
Happy Good Friday, Cruisers! 
Enjoy the sunshine and fresh air, hope the Easter Bunny is good to you and finds you at home on Sunday.   
Unfortunately, this is true at my house.  Darn dust bunnies!
Edie and April walked to Glenayre on Good Friday, enjoying the perfect weather at a very leisurely pace.  Eighteen minutes per kilometre – a new personal best for 4.2k. We came home through the Miller Park Ravine, a bit of forest therapy on the way home.
Spectacular heron photo from Eoin – Como Lake 
Peace and Love to all the Cruisers, Pat and Angela

That Burnaby Buzz honey, from Len and Miriam’s bees, is awesome! 

Happy Easter! We are now grandparents. Our son Jordan and daughter in law Tyra had a baby boy last night at 11:30 pm. Len and Miriam

Baby Soet was born on Ivan’s birthday!
Congratulations to Len and Miriam, and their son and daughter in law on their new addition!  

Kevin has been walking and during one of his outings found this Spring rock garden with uplifting messages.  Heard that he has been spotted in the ‘hood by other Cruisers.
Discovering new trails close to home.
On Easter Sunday morning, Edie and June went in search of the elusive bunny.  North on Blue Mountain, down the trail to Port Moody Secondary School (if you go, watch your step as some of the trail needs repair), turned right at the
school and continued on a trail going east, ran into a watercourse so moved to the street, about a half a block, turned right at the next corner and then left on Henry Street where  a trail going south intersected, continued on the trail to Lillian Street.  We cut through the Harbour View Elementary School grounds then tacked our way to Como Lake and back to Miller Park, taking the ravine path and through the park home.  A lovely walk in my own neighbourhood – total of 6.25k and 39 floors in 1:25 hours.  Alas, no sign of the Easter bunny and no hidden chocolate.


Zoom meeting tonight at 630 pm – Bob’s coming, too! Plus, will we be able to see 👀and hear 👂Alex this week? Come to find out and share an Easter Monday toast! 🍺 🍷🥛 – invitation/link attached in email from Susan.

Spring time!
Tuesday April 14thWalked to Glenayre in Port Moody today through Miller Park.  6.20k in 1:21 – better time than Friday.  It was a lovely day – some gardens were already spectacular with so many flowers, trees and shrubs in bloom.  They don’t seem to be missing our usual April showers and nor am I.

My great nephew Connor skiing.

Wednesday April 15 2020:
I walked 6.4k on Tuesday circumventing the Vancouver Golf Club in 1:20 before noon and then walked 2.1k with April through Miller Park around supper time.

There’s a ravine on Rochester that goes between the houses – a little green space in suburbia.

On Wednesday evening Bob and his bride of 63+ years ago once again walked the route described in previous emails.  We stepped and exchanged pleasantries with a man hosing his driveway leading out to the lane.  His name is Dave.  He is a widower.  We then continued our walk.   Time out, 30 minutes 54 seconds.  Life is good.

Thursday April 15 2020:
Last night Miriam did a 5 km walk with Jax. I couldn’t go as I had a Zoom meeting. I did a 5 km solo run this morning. We also just went to Save on Foods shopping this morning. It went really well and was very fast. We are spending our days painting the outside of the house and Miriam has also been cleaning all the windows. We hope to go up to Roberts Creek next week Tuesday or Wednesday to visit our new grandchild.
There was a FB posting asking for button for masks so I went through my button box and made a destination walk to Thermal & Seymour Drive area to deliver my small stash of buttons.  I did 7.2 k in about 1:30 along Como Lake Avenue and back along Regan (much nicer) trying to increase my pace and decrease my time.

Friday April 17 2020:
    Well, Monday morning Heather & Jennel actually “met up”.  Heather drove the Jennel’s, then from there the two of them Ran 6ft apart from each other around Jennel’s neighbourhood, then down Noons Creek to David, then ran West on David and back up making a 12km run happen.  We Air Hugged each other goodbye and that was that.
 Then we both got in another two 10km runs during the week alone.

* Our plan for our BMO Half Marathon is to run together 6ft apart (if all still is ok with the health board) , up and down David to make a distance of 21km.  (there is a new sidewalk that has more than ample room for us to both run on either side.  it’s 7 ft wide or so.  So we will plan a day to run in May starting at Jennel’s home, then running back and forth on David, finishing back at Jennel’s where daughters will be holding a ribbon for us to finish through!  We will make it fun!  Maybe a glass of wine at the finish line!?!  Hey, we will be able to say “we either finished 1st or 2nd in the half marathon”!!!!  When do you get a chance to say that!?! LOL
* We will abide by all health regulations….so if running 6ft apart changes, then we won’t be doing it….but that’s our plan!
Saturday April 18 2020:
I walked from my house to Langley Farm Market for a total of 9.04K in 2:01, including a brief shopping time inside store. Ross and Flora biked to my house from their house on Saturday afternoon, stopping at Como Lake on the way home.  They brought ice cream!
Sunday April 19 2020:
Alex did the Sun Run today – parked at Cameron and ran to Joe’s Trail and beyond in 76 minutes for his 10k outing.  Cooler today and overcast.  Way to go Alex!  Far from the madding crowds this year.  Here’s his report:

I did the 10K solo “SunRun”  this morning. Started at 9:30am in front of the Dragon egg . Going along Joe’s trail route, Hume Park, Larry’s Hill and return. Time:1:16:16. Sunny and cool. Saw Edie’s car in the same parking area.  Alex
I walked Stony Creek Trail this morning and part of Burnaby Mountain trail by turning left across from Chapman and turned around past the bridge for 6.2k in 1:18.  In the early afternoon, Eoin, Laura, April and I walked to Miller Park Ravine for 2.8k.
Thursday April 23 2020:
Marie and Bob walked their now  usual route  Monday  April 20th, included therein a chat with a woman with her 17 lb.  cat who live on Parker St near Holdom Avenue.  Time out, 34. 13.  
The Coquitlam Cruisers, i.e. Jennel and  Heather are still getting out for runs in Coquitlam although not close together due to the pandemic that grips the world right now.  They communicate using their phones.

Larry has been walking regularly two to three times per week, walking along Arden beside the golf course, up Shellmont (another effin hill) to Underhill, and along Forest Grove to the crosswalk at Ash Grove, then return the same way, distance 5.5 km and time usually just under an hour.  Another route done this Tuesday night of April 21 started along Phillips to Halifax, Halifax to Sperling Ave., up Sperling to Curtis to Duthie, along Duthie to Greystone, and back on Phillips, distance about 5 km and time of 50 minutes.        
Pat recovered from injury and back to run/walk early mornings. (Home to North Road on the Stoney Creek trail.)
I went out at 11 this morning. Did the Forest Grove loop from home. 8km in 1h12. 
Over to North Shore for a distance birthday get together for Matthew this evening.
I have been doing “destination” walks in Coquitlam – Tuesday 6:05k in 1:31 – all uphill on the way home.  Hills are our friends – or so I am told.  
Yesterday, I joined Christina and John on a small team to remove invasive species at a portion of Blakeburn Lagoons Park.  The wet weather did not dampen the spirit and energy of the volunteers and Scott for the plant removal event. The event started with a safety
orientation and discussion of an informal work plan, after which Scott demonstrated the proper removal of an invasive plant at its root system. The five volunteers at this event had experience in invasive plant removal including similar

events at Deboville Slough and Como Lake Park. Despite this experience, we quickly found out that the blackberry plants at Blakeburn were more difficult to access and remove, as the vines were wrapped tightly around non-invasive species.  Edie and Christina in our waterproof clothes.  Good to get home for a hot shower and coffee!

Canada Geese socially distancing and wood ducks in the woods, where else should they be?
Today, I walked with June from Cameron to Piper Spit for about 6k.  We spent several minutes observing the many birds, which have taken over the path to the wharf.  It was a cool overcast morning, perfect for enjoying the budding trees.  No sign of the heron today at the dam.
A Canada Goose surveying his/her kingdom and a red-winged blackbird enjoying the vacant bench.  Besides the red-winged blackbirds, we saw pigeons, a brown headed cow bird, ducks, geese, towhees, robins, sparrows entertaining us with their favourite tunes.  Nature is healing.
April 25 2020:
Bob and his bride of 63+ years once again walked their usual route from home Wednesday evening using the lane, north to Parker St., east on Parker to Holdom Ave. to Grant St., west on Grant to Howard Ave., north on Howard to the lane entrance, north on the lane back to our home.  Time 28:03.  

Went out for a shorter run/walk this morning. From home along Stoney Creek trail to North Road and then back to Beaverbrook then along Noel Drive home. Time out 36 min. Distance 4 km.


I walked to Shoppers at Burquitlam Plaza for a total loop distance of about 3.5k.  Went down Regan on the way home to see all the new condo projects which are  5 or 6 stories high.  Almost new duplexes were demolished to make way for the new buildings.  Also looked with sadness at the former Burquitlam Park, which I used as a short cut and always liked to see the kids and dogs playing and people at the tennis courts.  So much change!  Later, April and I did our usual 2 – 3k walk to Miller Park – lucky to have a nice, quiet park so close to home.  
If anyone wants to stop ivy from growing on their own trees or in a neighbourhood park, here’s how to do it.

April 26 2020:
Despite the rain and wind, some trees are still looking magnificent.  Thanks to Eoin for this shot.
 Congratulations to Laura and Eoin on their 40th Anniversary!
 Saturday from Rod:  
Pat and I went out this afternoon and did some of the Forest Grove trails. Saw Ivan on the Galliardi overpass bridge.
Time out 1h23 distance 6.5 km./
Pat is back doing her morning runs as her foot is improving.  Someone’s got to get up early and get out there.

 On Sunday, Edie and June parked on the road by the RV park and walked around Burnaby Lake starting on the South side.  There were lots of walkers and runners as well as a biker who shouldn’t have been there.  The morning started off cool and we had a few minutes of showers.  Piper’s Spit was busy with people so we kept on going and didn’t see many birds today, unlike Thursday.  I never get tired of that walk – it’s scenery is ever-changing with seasons, weather and wildlife.  So many cute little squirrels today and the canopy of trees at this time of year is spectacular. We did 11.4k – the most I’ve done in a long time  in 2:10, setting a better pace today but with pit stops in the washroom and to look at wildlife. 

Message from Larry:  Hi everyone, let’s try a Chair meeting at 6:30 pm at Cameron Centre.  If you would like to come, bring a chair and we’ll meet in the parking lot at Cameron Centre and decide where to sit. 
If it’s raining, bring an umbrella and we might walk on the Stoney Creek trail.   
We’ll try this and see how it goes! Chairman Larry 😃
On Monday evening April 20th  Bobtoc and Marie walked their usual route from their home to the lane, north to Parker Street, east to Holdom Ave, south to Grant St., west to Howard Ave, north to the lane entrance then north to their back yard.  Time 28:03.
On last Friday Rod went out for a shorter run/walk from home along Stoney Creek trail to North Road and then back to Beaverbrook then along Noel Drive home. Time out 36 min. Distance 4 km.
On last Saturday, Pat and Rod went out in the afternoon and did some of the Forest Grove trails.  Saw Ivan on the Gaglardi overpass bridge.  Time out 1h23, distance 6.5 km.
On  Monday evening  April 27  Rod, Edie, Larry, Alex and Bobtoc met at the Centre, complete with chairs, set up their chairs in the parking lot and talked for the best part of an hour.  The five enjoyed the talking plus the good weather.
April 29 2020:
Jennel and Heather  
Monday – Sorry for the delay.  Been super busy.  So here’s the report for last week.  Heather & Jennel ran a total of 35.5 km for the week.  We ran our long run together.  We attempt to get in at least one run a week together.

Take care everyone, stay safe & healthy!!!

OH totally forgot….Heather & I both changed our BMO run to the VIRTUAL BMO RUN.  What that means is, we can do the run together at anytime between May 4th – July 31st.  Take a photo of our GPS that we’ve run the distance, send it in and will receive our medal & shirt. They’re not exactly sure how this will all take place, maybe mail it to us!?!  So, Unless an unforeseen event happens: Heather & I have chosen Wednesday, May 20th to make that our VIRTUAL RUN DAY!  It’s a Wednesday, early in the morning (hopefully not many people will be out & about). (they asked that we don’t chose a populated time to run)  …… Heather plans to drive to my house and we will run from here!!!!  She has asked me to map out a route!!! Ha! ha!  Should I take her up EagleRidge Mountain!!! LOL  (kidding Heather!) I’ve mapped out a nice run for us!
Whoot! Whoot!  Jennel & Heather ran 16km Monday morning!  Jennel ran to Heathers, from there, they both ran around town centre twice, then up and around some neighbourhood, back around town centre, then both up to Jennel’s….Heather then ran back to her home.  Unfortunately, the skies opened up during the last part of our run and it POURED rain!  We got soaked!  Poor Heather had to run all the way home in the downfall!  Good for her!  We ran 6ft apart from each other the entire way, and will do so again during our Virtual Half Marathon for the BMO!!! 

So, here we go…….School is starting soon for me!  Ciao for now!!!

Wednesday: Heather and Jennel both got in a 10km run seperately Wednesday morning!  We will meet up again Friday morning to run.  6ft apart of course!!!  Good thing we can talk LOUD!!! LOL


Monday – Did the Forest Grove loop from home this morning. Ended up in a rain shower on the way back.

Time out 1h12, distance 8 km.  On a side note….I’ve just been super busy because I’m now a FULL time teacher!!!  So, the girls are on the computer most of the day and when I sneak off to get a run in, they’re on the computer when I need to write my report.  So that’s why you’re not getting them.
It’s BUSY times let me tell you with trying to get my run in too.

Wednesday – Went out from home this morning and did the Forest Grove loop. Had a good run/walk (more running this time). Knocked 7 mins off Monday’s time. 8km. 1h05.

Just beat the rain showers.
Eoin sent this photo of a encouraging rock message from one of his and Laura’s many Como Lake walks.
Tuesday at 6 pm Edie and June met at Cameron and did the Forest Grove loop in 1:19.  First time that June has done the Forest Grove loop!  I was missing it.  One of the lovely trees on the route.  
Keep the reports coming!  Enjoy your walks, Cruisers.
What day is it again?  Oh yeah, Thursday April 30 2020 (Isolation brain!)

Rod’s been watching You Tube and found this clever chicken video>

On Wednesday evening,  Ivan, Edie, Larry, Susan, Bob and Alex  Zoomed, and thereby enjoyed one another’s company.

On Thursday morning Edie and June walked from the Rugby Club at Burnaby Lake to Deer Lake.  Trying to follow the arrows led to a little extra time but it was sooooooooo beautiful and worth it.  Took in some bird watching – these are June’s amazing bird pictures.  Lots of friendly people out today.  I lost my Sugoi zip layer as it got really warm and I had taken it off.  Deer Lake is a myriad of green and we were entertained the whole way with bird song.

When I realized that I lost my jacket at home, April and I went back to Burnaby Lake and I found it.  Some kind soul had hung it on a post close to the tennis courts.  Lucky me.  April and I walked around the field – down the poplar lane and back to the car – about 2k.

Ivan at Burnaby Lake

This morning’s 🏃🏽 👇🏽👇🏽👇🏽
Cool morning, I wished I had more time to go longer…

— celebrating this special day at Burnaby Lake Regional Park.

    Image may contain: one or more people, people standing, tree, grass, plant, outdoor and nature, possible text that says 'STRAVA Run 8.1 km Pace 7:16 /km Time 59m 27s'

From Jennel:  Love the shirt!  Heather sent me this!  Love it!  I think this should be a new Cruisers shirt🍷🥂♥️

The girls have decorated our garage too for all the healthcare workers🎉🎉🎉

 May 3 2020

 Last Monday (April 27) five Cruisers turned out for the first Chair Meeting at Cameron Centre.  We sat in the parking lot as there was virtually no one else there. 
We thought we would try it again this coming Monday.  We might walk along the Stoney Creek trail, keeping our physical distance at all times by splitting into groups of no more than five.
If you’re interested, meet at Cameron Centre parking lot at 6:30 p.m.  They have porta potties just outside the rec centre building for people who are outside trying to keep active. 
Hope to see you there if you feel comfortable with coming along in this strange, cautious time.  The forecast is for showers but we can overcome that!  

Friday afternoon April and Edie drove to Vancouver and parked by the Vancouver Museum.  We did a short walk to almost Kit’s pool and back, about 2k.  We needed ocean therapy.  It wasn’t too crowded and people were mindful of distances and friendly.  I saw  one of the resident eagles keeping watch over his/her kingdom.
  Friday morning Heather & Jennel met up (6ft apart) and ran Town Centre 1.5 times, then ventured off to the Running Room…not to shop, but was closed, then ran together for a while, Heather headed home 12.5km for her and Jennel also ran home and was going to run up Lansdown wanting to avoid the Crunch….but as I ran past the entrance, saw that they had Official Authorities in reflective vest directing the people and making sure they were 6ft apart.  Yeah! … Jennel decided to hike it.  It’s actually done very well.  They have authorities in the beginning, in the middle (to catch you if you’re too close) and probably at the top too, but I didn’t go that far.  The only problem with that is you can’t stop and rest or the person behind you will end up too close:(  Heather 12.5, Jennel 15im (but that included walking up the Crunch).
                               Sunday morning Edie and June walked from Burnaby Rugby Club to Deer Lake and back, following the lake circuit this time so distance was 8.5k, even though we added on a walk around the field along the lovely poplar path. It was a perfect morning for walking – not too warm, no rain and some sun.  

The gardens are beautiful and the various colours of green are amazing. Love where we live.
Scotia Half and 5k will be virtual this year and there is also a 10k.  You can do the chosen distance from June 29 to Sept 18, either walking or running.
Sounds like a good plan to start getting the distance up. and bees today May 1st. We had a wonderful cycle out to Garry Point in Steveston for a fish and chips lunch. When we got home we discovered the bees had swarmed again so Len went up in the tree to collect them…….. and Miriam
May 6 2020:
On Monday May 4 evening, there was a good turnout for the chair circle meeting.  Edie, Susan, Kevin, Larry, Rod, Bobtoc and Alex attended, and just after 7:15 Eoin and Laura arrived after banging their pots and pans for the health care workers.  We sat on chairs on the grass just down from the outdoor exercise stations, and the rain held off until we were leaving.  It was nice to see everyone and hang out at Cameron again.  Our inspired walker Susan stayed for a short time, then left to walk home, doubling her 5 km walk to Cameron Centre from her home.  Add the 10 km she walked earlier in the day and the total was 20 km for her in one day!  Alex did a run before meeting up with the group.  We all maintained our distance from each other of at least 6 feet apart, so we had speak up to hear each other but it worked out okay.  Who knows, next week we might even try walking… 
Take care everyone, Larrytheyounger 


Monday Edie and Maureen walked 5k at Colony Farm – lots of birds and the scenery is wonderful.
Tuesday June and Edie did Forest Grove Loop backwards – first time for June for backwards.  Time 1:14.

Congratulations to Jennel and Heather on completing the BMO Virtual Half!

We DID it🎉🎉🎉🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️
We just finished our Virtual BMO Half Marathon…21.1km!!!!
Started at 7am, ran around Town Center 5 times and back up to my house where the girls had a ribbon for us to run through!!!!  We tied first!!!!!!🎉🎉🎉 Girls made us trophies and lots of goodies at the end.
Wine & ice cream!  Think I’ll be doing more of these runs in the future!!😉😉😉🍷

Thanks!  Yes it was beautiful and we didnt have to wake up at 3:30am or drive up to UBC😉😉😉
On Tuesday evening Bobtoc had a pleasant and newsy phone conversation with Jennel in which she reported on the training of
she and Heather for a half marathon, as well as the school work involved with her two
daughters at home who are both in
elementary school which is not open at this time, and will not be open until September.  The conversation was indeed welcome.  
On the same evening, Marie and Bobtoc walked from their home on their usual lane route but in reverse,  starting going south  to Howard Ave.
east on Grant St. to Holdom Ave., north uphill to Parker St., west on Parker St. south on Howard back to the lane, and then south back to our carport. 
Time, 29 m 48 seconds. 
Heather and Jennel ran the Virtual Half Marathon today, Tuesday, May 5th.  We ran 21.20km Just to make sure we got the total distance in before we clocked it!   As they need to see proof of our watches in order for us to receive our shirts & medals.  Heather drove to Jennel’s home at 7am Tuesday morning, from there, the two gals ran around Jennel’s neighbourhood for a short warm up, then hit Panorama and ran straight down to Johnson and down to David making our way to Town Centre Park.  We ran 5 laps of Town Centre Park…..3 laps one way, then 2 laps the other direction, then ran back UP to Westwood Plateau.  Not a fun run uphill after 19km….but we had to do what we had to do!  Running back up David, then up Johnson, then that good ‘ol Parkway Blvd!  We hit 21.2km then clocked it and walked about a block homeward bound.  We picked up the pace and made a fabulous finish in front of Jennel’s house through a streamer held across the street by Jennel’s daughter’s Anamaria and Sofia.  We finished together 6ft apart, we came in First and Second for the BMO Half!  Now when do you get to say that!?!?  “Although I think we finished at exactly the same time!”  So First it is!!!
Anyhow, there was LOTS of goodies at the end for us to snack on and a wee sip of Rose Wine!  Girls made Heather & Jennel trophies with M&M’s inside them!  Best run of the Year!  Not sure why we don’t do this more often!!! LOL  Total time:  2:51:56 (that’s including our warmup and all the traffic lights)….so not bad if I say so myself!  
Good work Men!!!  as Bob would say!!!
May 9 2020:
May 7th Edie and June walked 14k from Cameron, around Burnaby Lake and return with a brief stop at Piper’s Spit to check out the birds and a pit stop at the rugby club to use the facilities.  Time out 2:45ish.  We caught up to Kevin near Cameron and walked with him to Piper’s Spit.  We decided it was time to put the long pants away and get out shorts for our next venture – hot and sunny.
May 8th:  Edie and Maureen walked 6.5k in 2:01 at Rocky Point starting at the path by the Rec Centre and doing a
loop to the start of the one way trail near the water park and returning by the two way path.  There were people on the beach as it was a lovely warm day.  Unobstructed walking along the trail since no oncoming walkers/runners.  Need to watch for cyclists, runners and walkers on the two way path.  No parking in the parking lot near the water park – need to park on the street or the rec centre.
Friday evening May 8:  Bob and his bride Marie walked from home on their lane north to Howard Ave, east on Parker St to Holdom Avenue, south to Grant Street, west to Howard 
Ave., north  to the lane entrance  onto the lane south back to home.   On the lane talked to two widows who live in the neighbourhood; time 32 m 50 seconds.
Weather and temperature were excellent. Bobtoc
Beautiful Rocky Point
May 9th:  Flora and Edie met at 8:30 and walked from Rocky Point water park along the trail and returned at Old Orchard by way of the path on another beautiful morning for 6.5k.  We walked to the pier but gave it a miss due to the number of people on it.  Flora checked out Pajo’s for opening times and take out info. It’s summer!  After the walk we had coffee and goodies from Mundy Bakery with Ross and April on Edie’s porch.  Ross had been on a bike ride in the morning.  Doesn’t get any better than that.
April stayed home but had a little nap for the rest of us.
May 10  2020:
On Sunday morning Susan walked to Cameron from her house to meet Kevin, Edie and June.  We proceeded to walk to Forest Grove by way of the trail behind the playground and school and down Shellmont trail to the golf course entrance and then returned to Cameron by retracing our route back.  Three of us did about 10.6k and Susan did double that!  It was hot but nice to be on the trails.
After procrastinating the run all day long, I finally went for it 🤨 💪🏽

The streets were very quiet; I could hear the ambulance sirens about a mile away. Then I realized there was some howling in the ravine I was running next to. Sounded like coyotes and their pups 😳

I thinks the last few splits were a bit faster than average pace 😝

On Monday May 11th, we decided to resume meeting for run/walks on our regular schedule, keeping our distance.