June 2019
Down the road we go! Lots of Chattering going on but not a lot of speed….
Saturday June 1 2019: Alex, Edie with canine April, Eoin and Laura, Len with his granddog Jax, Flora, Rene, Kevin and Bobtoc, with Gillian Coates who said hello to the group at the Centre on Saturday a.m. before she continued into the Centre. The weather was superb; sunny, warm. The route selected was to go east into Coquitlam to enjoy the quiet neighbourhood which is usual for Saturday mornings there. The group started at the Centre, proceeded east to Cochrane Avenue then Appian, continuing east and north exploring the residential streets, taking in the homes and gardens, continued to Como Lake, then headed west, eventually using Smith St. to North Road into Sullivan Heights to Willoughby Avenue south to Cameron Street and return to the Centre. Times to complete varied between 2:10 and 2:20; distance call it 9 km. All in all, a great morning on the best day of the year so far.
Jax is doing most of the running on this outing and having a blast.
Monday June 3 2019: Stoney Creek saw the Cruisers Flora, Susan, Edie, Gillian, Eoin, Laura, Alex, Brenda and Glenn again tonight. Some turned at the gate by North Road while others ventured up the hill to Chapman with Alex and Susan continuing to Como Lake Avenue running. Unfortunately, Susan tripped on the curb or a root once back at Cameron and sustained a fractured arm. Flora and Gillian took her to emergency. We wish Susan a speedy recovery from this mishap.
Wednesday June 5 2019: On Wednesday evening Alex, RA Edie with April, Flora and Ross, Eoin and Laura, Larry, Glen Eriksen, Rod and Bobtoc met at the Centre for their walk. The route used was to the Stoney Creek trail to North Road to Chapman Avenue to Clarke Road, south to Como Lake Road, west to the path leading back to the Stoney Creek trail for the return to the Centre. Distance some 6.8 km, times from 1:20 to 1:27. The group enjoyed no rain and a comfortable temperature.
Saturday June 8 2019: RA Edie with April, Rod, Larry, Eoin and Laura, Flora and Bobtoc welcomed Sherian Kelly to the group after a long time away , out for their walk/run at Rocky Point. She has been missed! The group commenced their walk on the usual route at Rocky Point, although had to use Murray Street for a portion of their journey to Alderside due to changes underway on the gravel path leading to the north side of the Point. Most of the group walked to Alderside and April Road before returning. The cloudy sky , temperature OK; no rain, and little sun set the scene for the trek. Distance for those who got to April Road and back, approximately 10 km. Time for the last in, i.e., Bobtoc, 2.09 back to the parking lot. The remainder of the group were at the ice cream emporium for their debriefing. Oh, and ice cream.
Monday June 10 2019: On Monday RA Edie with canine April, Alex, Laura and Eoin, Rod and Bobtoc walked from the Centre using the Stoney Creek trail to North Road and return. The six did not venture further due to the relatively high temperature. Distance about 5 km and time between 56 and 58 minutes.
Coquitlam Cruisers:
Heather and Jennel ran Monday morning around Coquitlam and got a few errands done at the same time. Jennel 16 km and Heather a touch less. Anyhow, we have also registered for the Campbell Valley Wine Run…Sept 22ndin Langley. This is a celebratory run for birthdays and many more “celebrations”. Let the training begin….again! From Jennel.
Hi…Jennel & Nellie ran/walked/hiked the Coquitlam Crunch Tuesday morning….WOW it is HOT out!!!! Thank goodness Northside Church (our Church) puts out fresh/cold water for Crunchers & Dogs!!!! What a gift!!!! 7.5km=
Wednesday June 12 2019: On Wednesday RA Edie with canine April, Alex, Laura and Eoin, Rod and Bobtoc, Glen and Brenda, Flora and Ross and Bobtoc walked from the Centre on a hot, +30 degree evening. We again used the Stoney Creek trail to North Road; some went further to Chapman Avenue before returning, also a couple or so used the trail in the wooded area parallel to North Road upon their return. Distance about 5 km for those turning back at North Road, and a bit further for those continuing to Chapman Avenue. Times between 56 minutes and one hour.
Saturday June 15 2019: Alex, Eoin and Laura, Len and Miriam with granddog Jax, Flora, Larry and Bobtoc met at the Eilleen Dailly swim pool at Confederation Park at 8:00 am Saturday and walked north and west along Willingdon Ave. to McGill St to McGill Park, continuing west along the trail below Edinburgh St to Boundary Road, continuing west to Fellowes Ave then south to Dundas St, then retraced steps back to Confederation Park; guesstimated distance 8 km, time 1:37. The group enjoyed pleasant temperature, the sights of Vancouver Heights, and the company of each other, which continued with coffee at the coffeeshop whose name I cannot remember, situated at Hastings and Rosser Avenue on the northwest corner. Alex was unable to join the group at the coffee shop due to a choir rehearsal for church. All in all, a great morning.
Monday June 17 2019: RA Edie with April, Laura and Eoin, Glenn and Brenda, Flora, Rod, Kevin, Alex and Bobtoc met at the Centre Monday evening. The route used was Forest Grove, going west to Eastlake, north to Underhill, east on Forest Grove Drive to the Gaglardi overpass, Beaverbrook then back to the Centre. The group enjoyed an evening of good weather and temperature; distance 6.8 km, call it 7 km and times ranging from 1.25 to 1.29.
Wednesday June 20 2019: On Wednesday evening, Rod, Larry, Kevin, Eoin, Laura, Alex, and Edie with April, walked the Stoney Creek trail to North Road, where Rod, Larry, Alex and Kevin continued up North Road to Chapman then returned the same way, while the others turned back at North Road. Distance just under 5 km and time 1h04 for the Chapman gang, and about 4km and 55 minutes for the others. A cloudy, somewhat cool evening. Susan, in recovery from her shoulder injury, came out to say hello and went to the library while the group was out walking. Afterwards, Rod, Eoin, Alex, Larry and Jovan from the Cameron Centre went to talk a couple of youths down from the canvas roof cover over the picnic tables at the west end of the playground. The youths were wrestling on the canvas roof cover, extremely dangerous, and fortunately no one was injured.
Enclosed is a photo taken by Eoin of a rose garden in Coquitlam on Saturday, while out walking. Beautiful scenery!
Saturday June 23 2019: On Saturday morning, Rod, Larry, Laura, Eoin, Ivan, Len and Miriam (with Jax) headed out from Cameron Centre to Joe’s trail, with Len and Ivan running most of the course. Len and Ivan ran into Hume Park, and Ivan continued on his trek to get at least 14 km distance, while Len returned to the group and ran back to Cameron Centre while the others walked back. Distance for the walkers about 8 km; time 1h40. Len’s distance closer to 10 km and time about 1h10. It was a cloudy and coolish morning.
From Ivan: Hey gang, it was nice seeing the lot of you this morning. I ended up going for 16K (and change) in 2h 5m.
I started with the group down Joe’s Trail, continued on to Larry’s Hill, all the way to Braid station, turned back, went around Hume Park and followed the trail past the dam and stopping to have a look at the birds by the Nature House.
Here are some pictures Sandhill Cranes near the Nature House and the resident heron near the bridge.
Sunday June 25 2019: Runners celebrated Joe Turtle’s 80th birthday at the Scotia Half and 5k Run – a wonderful tribute to a fine man and runner.
Monday June 25 2019: On Monday night Kevin, Alex, Laura and Eoin walked the Joe’s Trail again.
Time out 1:52 and distance 8Km. The foursome were interrupted by a freight train on the way back to Cameron Centre. We also stopped briefly for Laura to chat with her coworker at SFU.
Thanks Alex for the report!
Wednesday June 27 2019:
Saturday June 29 2019: On Saturday morning RA Edie with April, Rod, Susan, Eoin and Laura, Alex, Larry, Len and Miriam, Rick Davidson and Bobtoc met at the Burnaby Lake parking lot and embarked on a walk to Deer Lake to circumnavigate the lake. The group walked to the Burnaby City Hall before completion of the circuit to visit the market at the City Hall parking lot. The group enjoyed coffee, a sit-down and good discussion, before setting off to complete their walk back to Burnaby Lake. Rick left the group before they went to the market. Susan also left the group to use public transit to return home. Time utilized for the walk: 1 hour 39 minutes; distance, a guestimate, 6 k.