On Thursday, Heather and Jennel ran from Heather’s home, around Town Centre once, then off to the Running Room and back to Heather’s. 9.4 km for each. Total of 39 km for the week.
April 8th: On Monday evening Laura and Eoin, Rod, Joan Whitman, her friend Maria, Donna, Kevin, Alex and Bobtoc showed up Monday on a soft rainy evening. The route chosen for the group was the familiar Eastlake to Underhill and return to the Centre. Donna ran some of the route, as did Alex, while the rest walked. The rain ceased during the walk/run back to the Centre. Distance 5 km, time 1:05 for most; for Alex, a bit more distance, his time another 5 or so minutes.
Heather and Jennel on Monday met at Pinetree and David, ran down Pinetree turning right onto Guildford Way, to Rocky Point, turned around and ran the exact way back to their homes. 16 km for each.
Wednesday April 10th:Kevin, Larry, Laura and Eoin, Rene, Rpd. Susan and Bobtoc met at the Centre and decided to walk, starting the walk using Stoney Creek trail to North Road, east on Chapman Ave. to Clarke Road. In this area Alex arrived on the scene and the nine continued south on Clarke to North Road; then turned west on Como Lake Road, then south on North Road to one of the streets in Sullivan Heights, south onto Willoughby Avenue to arrive back at the Centre. Time for the eight, 1:23; for Alex, 1:15. Distance for the eight call it 7 km, and for Alex, a bit more. The nine enjoyed a no rain evening, and a comfortable temperature.
Wednesday, in the POURING RAIN, Heather & Jennel met at Pinetree & David – ran 7 hills up Pinetree, then ran 2 laps of Town Centre in the POURING RAIN! I can’t emphasis enough how wet it was and how SOAKED we were! “True Troopers”!!!! 11km for Heather, 12km for Jennel:)=
Saturday and Sunday April 13th and 14th: On Saturday a.m. Rod, Larry, Eoin, Laura, RA Edie, Alex, Ivan, Rene, Flora, Ross, and Bobtoc met at Timmies, with some of the attendees having walked in the rain from the Centre, distance to and from Timmies, say 1 K, for a strategy meeting to sort out for those doing the Vancouver Sun Run Sunday, such things as collecting the Sun Run kits from Edie who picked up said kits Friday downtown; arranging a 9 a. m. departure time Sunday on Skytrain from Production Way, and for Bobtoc to board same train from the Holdom Ave. Skytrain station; that latter boarding did not take place; Bobtoc got on at Brentwood station instead.
On Sunday Alex ,Edie, Eoin, Laura, Flora, Norman, Rod, Pat and Bobtoc participated in the 35thannual Sun Run in Vancouver, at first under ideal weather conditions which changed midway to showers of rain, snow, hail, however spirits of the runners and walkers were not dampened; the run continued. The arrangements done by those in charge of the Run were well done; lots of water stations, toilet facilities in many parts of the run course, lots of music groups; all in all an outstanding professional job. See the Vancouver Sun Monday edition for stats and photos.
Speaking of the Sun Run, here are the times for the Cruisers who participated in it:
Flora and Edie: 1:29:08
Bob, Eoin and Laura 2:08:13 walking
Pat Hargreaves 1:11:55 Sixth in her age group
Rod Hargreaves 1:25:00
Alex Lau 1:08:07
Norman Lum 1:02:29
The participants and relatives, Len and Miriam Soet and Larry attended the apre’ run luncheon at the Burnaby Mountain Golf Course. Thank you Edie, for making the arrangements for the group.
Sunday morning Jennel drove to Heather’s and the two of them ran to the Running Room to join a group of runners to complete the Marathon of Hope for Terry Fox. We ran from Fox Park and made our way to Costco and return, then Heather and Jennel ran back to Heather;s home. Total for each of us 2 gals came to 38.2 km (19.1 km each! YAHOO!
Monday April 15th: Eoin, Laura, Kevin and Bobtoc met at the Centre Monday evening. The time together was utilized in moving the bodies of those who participated in the 35thedition of the Vancouver Sun Run Sunday; however Eoin, due to his right leg which had surgical repairs a few weeks ago was giving him some discomfort, did not venture away with the other three. Laura, Kevin and Bobtoc walked from the Centre down to the Stoney Creek trail as far as Stoney Creek Avenue, then west to Noel Drive as far as Beaverbrook then south back to the Centre; total time 41min 50 seconds. The four enjoyed a no rain evening.
Wednesday April 17th:On Wednesday evening, the sort-of spring weather (only a few sprinkles of precip) brought out a crowd of Cruisers as Eoin, Laura, Flora, Rod, Alex, Kevin, Susan, Larry, and Edie with April mostly walked the Stoney Creek trail, up North Road to Chapman, then returned the same way, distance about 5 km and time about 1h10. Flora and Susan did some jogging along the way, turning back to rejoin the gang, so their distance was a little more. Those who did the Sun Run felt recovered from the event and encouraged by the slightly better weather – no hail during the evening.
The Coquitlam Cruisers, Jennel & Heather, ran on Wednesday. They met at Pinetree & David. They ran 8 hills of Pinetree, then 2 laps around Town Centre….Jennel 15 km, Heather 12 km …..8 hills!?! Whew!
Saturday April 20th: On Saturday 11 Cruisers enjoyed a beautiful morning – perhaps the best day of the year so far – at Rocky Point, taking mostly the paved trails through to Alderside Road and up to April Road, then returned the same way. Eoin, Laura, Rod, Susan, Larry, Bobtoc, Miriam, Flora, Rachel, Alex, and Edie with April mostly walked, while Flora, Alex, Rachel and Bobtoc!! did some jogging as well. Refreshments were of course enjoyed at the ice cream shop at the end of the trek. Distance for all about 10 km, times ranged from 1h40 to 2h06.
Beautiful Shore Line Park!
Coquitlam Cruisers – Heather & Jennel met on a DRY lovely Good Friday morning…and a good Friday it was. They ran 2 laps of Town Centre, then Heather ran with Jennel back up David Hill to Johnson to get in some extra kilometres, then parted ways…12 km for both ladies! Good Job Gals!! 46 km for both ladies for the week!
Monday April 22nd: On Monday morning, due to the rain, the venue for the Cruiser adventure was changed from Stanley Park to Burnaby Lake – we’ll go to Stanley Park when the weather is better. Edie, Susan, Larry, Flora, Rod and Alex drove to the Burnaby Lake parking lot and walked the lake trail to the Nature House, from which Rod and Alex returned, their distance over 5 km and time just over 1 hour. The rest of the crew walked the entire way around the trails, encountering some runners along the way, and despite the rain it was quite peaceful. The group time was about 2h10 to 2h20, with Edie and Susan taking the lead. Afterwards the foursome went to the Fortius Centre for coffee and dried off somewhat.
Wednesday April 24th: On Wednesday evening Eoin, Laura, Donna, Larry and Susan walked the Stoney Creek trail, up North Road to Chapman and returned the same way, thoroughly enjoying the gorgeous sunny weather. Distance about 5 km, time 1 hour on the dot.
Coquitlam Cruisers – Heather & Jennel both got their long runs (12 km) done this week. Separately – Monday for Heather in the rain:(, Tuesday for Jennel in the beautiful DRY sun!!! LOL
Well, so much for that being our only long run for the week. The twosome met Wednesday at Pinetree & David, ran 2 laps of Town Centre, then proceeded to run 9 HILLS up Pinetree & back. Total 13 km for each!
Saturday April 27th: Alex, Eoin, Laura, Larry, RA Edie with April, Len and Miriam with granddog Jax, Kevin, Flora, Susan and Bobtoc walked Saturday from the Centre on a no-rain, +5C or so morning to the Nature House and Piper Spit area on the route along the north trail to the Burnaby Lake park then returned to the Centre. The view at the Spit did not disappoint; lots of birds with gorgeously coloured feathers showed their stuff . Distance return, call it 8 km; times varied between 1:38 and 1:45. Photos taken by Len were at two occasions, and he has forwarded them to you. Flora’s were taken Saturday, and are being sent concurrent with this email. Thanks to both.
Jennel got a 13km run in Thursday afternoon:( Ran from my house to Heathers house to grab some Cliff Bars she bought for me. Then half way around Lafarge Lake, and back home….doing a MASSIVE SPRINT at the end to make it in time for the end of her kids school.
Heather will do her last run of the week on Friday….total for both ladies…..38km for the week. This was a “Relaxing” week as we have a BIG 18km’er to run on Monday:(=
Another budding runner:
Oh my…Saturday evening, Anamaria asked me to train her for her track meet. She’s competing in the 100M Sprint, 400M, 800M, Relay & possibly the 1500. So we get up to the track and Anamaria flies like the wind! YOUNG LEGS!!! Good grief, there’s NO way I could keep up to her!?! But, I’m glad I’ve passed on the running sport to another generation!!!! “I’m sure she had motors on her shoes!!!” lol I felt like a snail beside her!!! ha! ha!
Monday April 30th: On Monday evening RA Edie with April, Flora and Ross, Kevin and Bobtoc walked from the Centre to North Road using the Stoney Creek trail; from there Flora, Ross and Kevin walked north to Chapman Ave, then east to Clarke Road then returned by reversing direction and returning to the Centre. Edie and Bobtoc returned from North Road, not going up to Chapman Ave. The five enjoyed a mild evening and of course daylight. Time for the duo, 56.13. for the other three, add on 15 minutes.
From the Coquitlam Cruisers:
WHOOT! WHOOT! Heather & Jennel ran 18km Monday morning in lovely overcast weather. Heather ran to Jennel’s house Monday morning up in Westwood Plateau (sorry Heather for all the hills!!!), then the 2 ladies ran together down to Town Centre, ran 3 FULL Laps around Town Centre, then back to Heather’s at Shaughnessy & David….That made 18km for Heather, then Jennel ran back UPHILL alone to her home to make 18km too! Good day…LONG day!!!! But WE DID IT!!!!!