March 2019
Lost Lake in Mundy Park – If the name fits…… And Spring is around the corner???????????
March 2nd: On Saturday morning, Larry, Rod, Susan, Edie and canine April walked, while Len and Alex ran intervals, along the Burnaby Lake trails to the nature house, enjoying the sunny, gorgeous day, a bit chilly at -1 C. We saw the ducks at the nature house area at the lakeshore, including the brightly coloured mandarin duck. A MEC (Mountain Equipment Co-op)-sponsored half marathon was in progress around the lake trails with a reported 500 participants, so we returned to Cameron Centre along Government Street, Brighton and Winston/Govt streets, however we did not stop in at Costco, tempting as it was. Distance 8 km, time 2h; Len’s time 1h 57 and Alex’s distance 8.5 km due to bobturning, his time also 1h 57.
Where did my friends go? Oh yeah, duck hunting without me!
Watching the MEC Run and Reminiscing!
Monday March 4th: 5 cruisers out on Monday night. Laura, Eoin, Donna, Alex and Rod.
Did the usual up to Underhill and back. Alex and Donna did a bit more as she was doing interval homework for the Sun Run Clinic.
Time for all 1h03. Distance 5 km for the Laura, Eoin, Rod group and 6 km for the rest.
Sherian with her hiking group making friends with a Stellar’s Jay.
No walk on Wednesday due to snow!
Saturday March 9th:
On Saturday morning, Larry, Rod, Susan, Edie and canine April, Alex, Len, Ivan, Laura and Flora walked or ran Joe’s trail in beautiful sunny, slightly chilly (+1 C) weather. We saw a blue heron on the shoreline alongside Brunette River. The trail was a bit icy in some areas, caused by the constant melting and refreezing of the remnants of snow that hopefully will go away this week. Also seen in the parking lot at Cameron Centre was a 1981 DeLorean car with the fold-up doors – quite a rare vehicle these days. Time for the walkers was just under 2 hours and distance 7.5 km. Len and Alex did some running, with Alex running further to Hume Park and back along Joe’s trail, his distance just over 10 km and time the same as the walkers.
From Jennel: Jennel and Heather are keeping up with their training schedule of about 37 km per week with a half marathon in their plans (see Events Calendar below).
Wednesday March 13th: On Wednesday evening, Larry, Alex, Eoin, Laura, and Edie with April, enjoyed the first weeknight walk of the year in the daylight which allowed the gang to walk the Stoney Creek trail to the gate at North Road and return. The sun was shining and it felt like spring was upon us. What a great feeling! Time out was 51 minutes, distance according to Alex’s watch was 3.5 km but may have been a bit longer (?). A correction to Saturday’s report: Alex actually ran 18 km on Saturday not 10 km as was originally stated. He is gearing up for a half marathon and is considering some of the ones coming up. Also, Susan, while not out with the Cruisers, walked 7.8 km on Wednesday evening.
From Jennel and the Coquitlam Cruisers: Jennel & Nellie went for a quick run of the Coquitlam Crunch on Tuesday morning. Only 3.5 km but a RUN on the stairs. That snow is still a deterrent!!!! So we do what we can! Yes, we still have snow up here 🙁 . On Wednesday Jennel walked up the Crunch with Nellie, then ran home, then Heather & Jennel ran 2 laps and a bit around Town Centre Park. 11 km for Heather and Jennel took the long route home so total including walk with Nellie 17 km 🙂
Saturday March 16th:
On Saturday, a gorgeous spring sunny morning which warmed up rapidly, Eoin, Laura, Rod, Larry, Flora, Alex (with Cora) and Len (with Jax) all dressed in something green – jackets, hats, or headbands – and enjoyed the Burnaby Lake trails to the nature house, saw the ducks, and returned the same way, walking time 1h52, distance 7 km. Flora, Alex and Len did interval runs with Len leading, his time 1h30 or so, Flora and Alex 1h40. Rod’s hat from a past Green Hair/Hat/Socks run got a few greetings from other walkers/runners, and a few honks on the horn from drivers passing by on Government St. Alex continued his run for another 1 hour 4 minutes taking the Stoney Creek trail, Chapman, Robinson and Ebert route, covering another 7.1 km for a total of 14.1 km.
From Jennel and the Coquitlam Cruisers: On Friday, Heather & Jennel met at Town Centre Park….2 laps, then home….13 km for Jennel, 10 km for Heather…On SaturdayJennel RAN the Coquitlam Crunch and West towards Port Moody, then turned around and ran all the way back up….7 km…beautiful day out!!! May have got a sun burn!?! LOL.
Monday March 18th: Five cruisers, Eoin, Laura, Flora, Kevin and Rod met at Cameron ion a warm night and did the usual Lake City to Underhill route. Time 1h05, distance for four members was 5 km and for Flora a little more as she was doing sun run training. Definitely the warmest night of the year. Long may it last.
Wednesday March 20th: On Wednesday evening Alex, Edie with April, Eoin and Laura, Flora, Larry ,Rod, Kevin Amos and Bobtoc met at the Centre on a decidedly warmer evening than those which we have experienced for eons; neither rain nor cold temperatures were missed. The group opted to walk the Stoney Creek trail to North Road, north to Chapman Avenue, then return the same route. Times to complete varied from one hour to 1:05 and 1:09, distance about 4 or so km.
Saturday March 23rd: RA Edie with April, Flora, Larry, Rod, Eoin and Laura and Bobtoc met at Rocky Point Saturday on a dull but no rain morning, on a day when the temperature rose a bit as the day progressed. The group walked the usual route from Rocky Point to the north shore using the oh so familiar trail to the beach, then continued on Alderside Road to April Road from which the group, in a couple of subgroups, returned to the Point using the asphalt paved path. Time for the last group consisting of Laura, Eoin and Bobtoc, 2.23, distance for all, about 9 km.
Coquitlam Cruisers:
From Jennel: You haven’t heard from me…because we took our girls to West Edmonton Mall for a few days! Had a great trip and I’m sure I’ve walked 1000 miles!?! LOL That being said..Heather texted me her GPS watch showing she ran 14km while I was gone……That’s it for now!
Monday March 27th: Alex, Larry, Laura and Eoin, Kevin, Flora and Bobtoc walked from the Centre using the Stoney Creek trail leading to North Road, north to Chapman Avenue, east to Clarke Road to North Road, hung a right into Sullivan Heights to Willoughby Avenue, then south to Cameron St back to the Centre, under no rain conditions with comfortable temperature. Time and distance, 1:35 and 5.85 respectively.
Coquitlam Cruisers:
From Jennel: I did it! 14km all in one run…so I’ve caught up to Heather! Monday morning, Jennel ran down Heritage Mountain Blvd to Rocky Point, then ALL the way back UP Heritage Mountain (which felt like the Fall Classic running up to UBC) ugh!! Then straight on Panorama to Johnson, up Johnson to Plateau Blvd to Whitebark Ave. then back: 14 km!! Nor nearly as fun running on my own!
Saturday March 30 2019: Thanks to Ivan and Edie for their
reports of the runners and walkers.
Ivan reports for the runners Saturday morning: Alex, Ivan, and Barefooted Len – with Eoin joining for short spurts. We went down Joe’s Trail, up Larry’s Hill, small loop around Hume Park, and back to the centre.
Distance for runners: just over 9K in 1h 22m
(Alexmight have slightly different numbers as I started timing late)
Edie reports for the walkers Saturday morning: Miriam, Laura, Eoin, Susan, Kevin and I walked to the end of Joe’s Trail – 7.5k in approximately 1 hour 45 minutes. Perfect weather – lucky to have such a beautiful trail with the trees greening up and the birds singing. Missed the Kuhns.
Coquitlam Cruisers:
Heather and Jennel ran 2 full laps of Town Centre with Heather’s brother-in-law who is running his first half marathon in May. He’ll do great! Jennel 14.34 km (ended up running Parkway twice) Heather and brother-in-law 12 km.