November 2018
Dark days for ducks
Saturday November 2nd:Alex, Flora, Ivan, Larry, Laura, Rod and Bobtoc met on a drizzly Saturday am at the Centre.  The destination chosen was east into Coquitlam to Como Lake, crossing North Road from Willoughby into Coquitlam via Smith Ave to Robinson Street, to Foster Ave, Gatensbury then returning west using  Robinson again to Ivy and Webster back to North Road, crossing at Cameron back to the Centre.  Larry and Ivan left the group for part of the way to get some running in.  Distance for the walkers about; for Larry and Ivan about 9 k taking into account bobturns and variances of their course; time for the walkers about 1.50 and for the runners, 1.35.  

Monday November 4th:  Alex, Rod, Edie with April, and Bob walked from the Centre Monday evening to Underhill Avenue via Eastlake and return to the Centre.  Distance for Edie and Bobtoc, 4.9 km and for Alex and Rod 5km since they bobturned back to the Underhill and Eastlake intersection to be with Edie and Bobtoc.  Time for all, 1:15.  Conditions: cool to cold,  and dark.

Congratulations to Ivan, Jennel and Heather for their performances Sunday at UBC Fall Classic Half Marathon!

Ivan 2:18:10,  Jennel 2:11:46,   Heather 2:22:14.  (chip times)  

Coquitlam Cruisers:  .
Heather & Jennel did some post half marathon recovery runs…Heather went out Monday morning for a nice long 6km walk with her neighbour.  Jennel did some walking with dog on Monday, but very little.  Then Tuesday morning brought Nellie up for a 5km run around Bramblewood track.
Wednesday November 7th:
Alex, RA Edie, both with canines Cora and April respectively, Larry and Bobtoc meet Wednesday at Cameron Centre on a no precip, fairly mild evening but dark evening.   Larry’s intention was to run, leaving the others to walk.  Larry ran the Forest Grove Drive route, first going west on Eastlake to Underhill to Forest Grove Drive, headed east over the pedestrian overpass to return to the Centre.  Time for Larry’s jogging,  1:02, distance  7.2 K.  The trio of walkers, albeit with Alex having done some running to Broadway and Underhill,  walked the Eastlake to Underhill route only with Alex then rejoining  Edie and Bobtoc on Eastlake to finish. Time for the trio, 1:10; distance for Edie and Bobtoc, 4.9 and for Alex, over 5 Km.
Saturday November 10th:  On Saturday morning Ivan, Larry, Len and Miriam with granddog Jax,, Edie with April, Flora, Rod, Alex, Laura and Eoin, Bobtoc welcomed back after a long stint away Christina  to Rocky Point as well as the group.  The group walked for the most part, breaking into groups,  although Larry and Ivan  opted to run to April Road and return to Rocky Point, their time and distance 1:36 and 9 km respectively..  Alex and Flora carved themselves out of the group and ran/walked to the “pearly gates”  Ioco property, their times, 2:26.5.1, and distances, for Alex,  12.4 km  and for Flora,11.5 km.    Bobtoc joined forces with Len and Miriam; the three walked to April

Road and back;, although Len and Miriam talked to a few others near a stream were spawning salmon were spotted,  Bob continued  his walk to the finish; his time being 2:16,  also for Len and Miriam who caught up to him.  The group was spread out with different finishing times.  The usual ice cream stop worked for some.  Flora was hoping the group could stop at another place for coffee; however, the disparity in finish times did not permit.  I did not obtain finish times or distances for all the group; however, the group enjoyed sunny weather; no rain, the autumn colours, the sight of many others using the fine Port Moody Rocky Point.   Also  of course, good company.       

Monday November 12th:  
Alex, RA Edie with April,  Flora, Larry, Len with granddog Jax,  Laura and Eoin, Christina and John Saremba and Bobtoc gathered at the Burnaby Lake parking lot Monday on a cool but no precip morning at 8.00.  The ten used the north trail and walked east to the Spit to view the lake and the abundant number of Canada geese and other bird life that frequent the lake area.  From there, four of the group retraced their steps back to the parking lot.  Their time and distance were  1:37 and 6.1 km.  The remaining six  walked a bit farther west then retraced their steps and followed after.  Once regrouped, most chose to have coffee; but could not be accommodated at the Fortius building due to a soccer tournament underway at the West Complex fields, therefore drove to the Starbucks coffee shop at the Holdom Avenue Skytrain station for a cuppa.


Hello Cruisers:
It was a delight to have joined the group yesterday for the walk/jog on the Burnaby Lake Trail.  Several interesting events highlighted the walk with the wonderful and keen group of participants.  Keen in that to stay still at the start of the walk would have caused potential frostbite on unprotected areas of one’s body.  Another interesting event was the eventual discovery in walking over to the Fortius Sports Centre after the official walk that it happened to the day of the Girls Soccer Tournament and all their parents decided to get a Starbucks coffee to thaw out their frozen hands in watching the young women play soccer. Needless to say given the wait time for refreshments was measured in multiples of an hour, the group decided to venture forth to the Holden Skytrain station in search of warm fluids and foot to replenish their stomachs for the journey home.

To mark this occasion, I happened to take a few photos.  
·         As you can see in one of the attached photos, Christina was very reluctant to given up one of the canine pace setters which was convinced with multiple treats to join the walk. 
·         And of course, we had the usual group photo, which was the only time the group were together during the walk until they all meet in the lineup at Starbucks at Fortius. 
·         And in a rare display of concern for something other than walking, Bob led the group to an all too brief bird watching session at Piper Spit.  He even took the time to explain the birds and the bees to Larry in pointing out the difference between a male and female mallard duck.  Oh yes, and if one looks carefully in the background of the photo, you can get a glimpse of a rare but well camouflaged female walker bird species, called the “Elusive Cheery Flora”.  This rare species is known to be attracted to running groups like the Cameron Cruisers with an unusual habit of starting well behind the group and then with an excellent burst of speed passing many of the participants only to cheerily wave and say hello while speeding by. 
·         And at the end of the run, many of the Cruisers could not help but admire a vehicle in the lot that was possibly older than even the senior statesmen of the group.  And so, the group bide another fond farewell to Burnaby Lake having spent a delightful morning among the misty trees and brilliant fall colors.

Wednesday November 14th:  Larry, Alex, RA Edie with April, Laura, Eoin and Bobtoc met at the Centre Wednesday on a fairly mild and rain-free evening.  The group set off westward toward  Eastlake;  Larry to run the FGDrive route using Underhill to F G Drive, east over the pedestrian overpass and return to the Centre; his distance and time being 7km and 1:15.  Alex continued from Eastlake  doing a combination of walking and running onto Underhill then reversed back to Eastlake and to the Centre, his distance and time being 6.1 km and 1.18.  Edie, Eoin, Laura and Bobtoc walked to Underhill and returned via Eastlake to the Centre; their distance and time being 5 km and 1:15.
To John Saremba:
Thank you John for your photos and report sent out to the Cruisers Tuesday evening regarding the turnout Saturday morning at Burnaby Lake and the fellowship thee and  at coffee thereafter.  The photos and report were excellent.  Also, as said before,  I am older, even, than the Studebaker, not as well preserved however.

Saturday November 17th:  Larry,  RA Edie with April, Laura and Eoin, Flora, Len and Miriam, Susan, and Bobtoc met at the Burnaby Lake parking lot on Saturday morning with the thermometer showing a temperature of 1C, and  a shining sun.  The route chosen was to proceed south on Sperling Avenue, hanging a left following the asphalt road parallel to Hwy 1, passing the  animal shelter, talked to the staff member there,  continuing to the last entrance north heading back to the trail leading to the lake, then north and west  back to the sports fields near the Burnaby Lake Clubhouse.  Some of the wooden bridges on the route were a bit slippery, so the walkers needed to be careful.   Time and distance, 1.39 and 7+km.  The walkers then convened at the Fortius building for debrifing.  Also, coffee.  Male soccer players  ages 5 and 6 estimated of Cliff Avenue United FC were practicing in the gym, supervised by their coaches.  Nostalgia for Bob and Larry, and for Eoin, discussion with a coach, a former footballer from Ireland.

From Ivan:
Today (Saturday also} I went out with the kids for a run, part of their fitness for a Taekwondo belt.
I did 7K in 45min – the kids needing to do 5k in less than 35 minutes (they did!)
Their test was out at Lions Park in Port Coquitlam; a brisk, sunny, and beautiful morning which was capped with some muffins and warm beverages at the local Timmies.

Wednesday November 21st:  On Wednesday evening, although it was raining, somehow it did not seem too bad as it was fairly mild once we got moving – Larry, Alex with Cora, and Edie with April, walked the Forest Grove route by going along Beaverbrook past the Stoney Creek elementary school, crossed the Gaglardi overpass, went up the big hill on Forest Grove Drive to Ash Grove Crescent, then returned the same way.  Much less traffic that way!  Alex did some jogging too.  Alex had a big rain jacket with a hood, while Larry and Edie used umbrellas so we were not affected by the rain.  Distance 5 km, time 1h08.   After finishing, we all felt glad we got out for the walk.   

From Jennel:  Recovering from the Fall Classic: No reports lately because nothing to report of us (Jennel and Heather) working out together.  We are both doing daily walks….but as the books say…take 1 day to rest per km.  So Monday the 26th will be 21 complete days of rest from running!  “you know, these gals know a little something or two!?!” lol.   Feeling good and getting prepared to start up again!=   

Saturday November 24th:  On Saturday morning, Flora, Alex, Ivan, Larry  and Susan greeted Bobtoc when he arrived at the Centre sharp at 8:15 am…   The six enjoyed a no rain morning.  The group’s run/walk , starting at Stoney Creek trail to North Road, north on North into the SFU Power Line trail, a destination not used for eons by the Cruisers.  Flora and Susan went as far as North Road before returning to the Centre.  Their time and distance when they turned back were 33 minutes and approx. 1/5 km, therefore their total time and distance would have been approx. one hour and 3 km.  Larry and Ivan took off together; their time and distance were 1.41 and 7 and ¼  km respectively.  Ivan reported the duo spotted a  tired-looking salmon swimming upstream.  Larry and Ivan turned back near the  crest of the hill.  Alex and Bob walked the route similar to that of Ivan and Larry;  their time and distance were 1.56 and  7 and ¼ km as well.  
Wednesday November 28th: RA Edie with April, Larry and Bobtoc met at the Centre on a surprising no-rain ,mild temperature evening.  Edie and Bobtoc opted to walk the Eastlake route to Underhill and return, their distance and time being 5 km and 1h35.  Larry chose to walk the  Forest Grove route – Beaverbrook, Gaglardi overpass, Forest Grove to Ash Grove Crescent, then returned the same way.  Distance 4.5 km, time 1h02.  
Coquitlam Cruisers:
It was a beautiful on Thursday morning…so Jennel & Nellie hiked the crunch twice.  Both renewed sides are officially opened.  Nice.  The Eastern side is wider (allowing my dog & I to walk side by side), the Western side is  narrowerC and  steep. Went up and down on both sides…5km total.=