October 2018

Joe’s Trail on a Sunny Saturday

Monday October 1st:  RA Edie with canine April,  Rod and Bob met at the Centre Monday evening under ideal weather conditions; fairly warm temperature, no rain, and chose the Forest Grove Drive route frontwards, i.e, Eastlake then north on Underhill to Forest Grove and you know the rest of the route back to the Centre;  time and distance, 1:42 and 7 km.
Jennel, Heather & Sami met at the corner of Pinetree & David, ran 1.5 laps together, then Jennel departed and the 2 ran another lap, then back to their homes.…Reports 10km.
Jennel ran from Town Centre to the Mall, then ran all the WAY UP Johnson, then UP Parkway Blvd. back to her home.  HOLY HILLS:(  14.33km

Wednesday October 4th:  RA Edie with canine April, Alex with canine Cora,  Rod , Larry and Bobtoc met at the Centre Wednesday on a no rain, cool but comfortable temperature evening, Edie, Alex and Bobtoc chose the Eastlake route to Underhill and return to the Centre;  their time and distance 1:09 and 5 km respectively.  Rod and Larry chose once again the Forest Grove Drive route, and ran and walked it; their time and distance  1:09 also, and 7 km respectively. 
Heather & Jennel met and ran 3 laps of Town Centre then home…..15km – increasing mileage for the upcoming half.=

Saturday October 7th:  RA Edie with canine April,  
Alex with canine Cora, Len, Larry, Rod, Flora and Bobtoc met at the Centre Saturday a.m. and chose as their destination Joe’s trail.  They used the usual route west on Cameron, down to the overpass to the trail to Government Street, south on Caribou then east into Joe’s trail. Edie and Bobtoc opted to walk the route.  They did not go to the gate at North Road but turned back with Rod on his return from the gate.  Larry and Rod walked out along Joe’s trail while Flora, Alex and Len jogged.  Larry and Flora returned to the Centre followed by Rod, then Bobtoc and Edie.  Len and Alex went to Hume Park before returning.  Distance and time for Larry, Rod, Bobtoc and Edie, about 10 km and time for Larry, Flora and Rod about 1h25, and for Bobtoc and Edie 1h35, and for Len and Alex about 13 km and time of 1h 35.  

October 8th:   On Sunday I went out and did the Turkey Trot at Granville Island – Official finish: 56m 13s

Way to go, Ivan!

Little ray of sunshine and warmth from Rod:
Life’s a beach!
Wednesday October 10th:  Alex with canine Cora, Larry,  Eoin and Laura, and Bobtoc turned up at the Centre Wednesday on a no rain, comfortable temperature evening and chose to run or walk the Forest Grove Drive route backwards, i.e., tackling the route starting with the Gaglardi pedestrian overpass end. Larry completed  the route first in time of 1:18, followed by Alex whose time was 1:28, and then Eoin and Laura and Bobtoc in time of 1:33.
Coquitlam Cruisers:
Hill training it was Thursday,  for Heather & Jennel.  They met at Pinetree & David, ran one lap around town Centre, then 5X Pinetree.  Good ‘ol hills ! Heather ran 10km, Jennel 11km=

Saturday October 13th:  On Saturday morning,  RA Edie with canine April, Len and Miriam with grand dog Jax, Larry, Laura, Flora and Bobtoc walked or ran from the Centre using the Stoney Creek trail.  Some wished to confine their time out to an hour, therefore Edie, Miriam, Laura and Bobtoc walked to the North Road gate and returned therefrom, their time to complete spot on an hour, with distance 5 km.  Len, Flora and Larry ran/walked to Chapman Avenue, Larry and Flora doing two laps there and back and Len one;  their times smidges longer than an hour, and distances closer to 6.0 and 5.5.  The group enjoyed a fairly warm morning with no hint of rain.

Whistler 50 Miler (or 80 K-er)

Our team finished the 80K relay in 6:48:28.  (3 of 4 in the 50+ category.) Our average age is 64.
I ran my 7K leg in 46:41 at a 6:40 pace.
Link to our team result :

I encourage the Cruisers to take a look at the result.  Not too shabby a result!  Congratulations to the team!
Coquitlam Cruisers:
On Friday Jennel drove to Heather’s…from there they ran to the Running Room to load up on gels & chews for the Fall Classic, then walked back home.  8.35km:)
Jennel & Nellie did some cross training on Saturday morning.  They hiked the Crunch!  Maybe a pit-stop in the dog park…..but we still got the km in!!! 5km:)
Monday October 15th:  Laura and Eoin, Rick Davidson and Bobtoc showed up Monday on a comfortable, warm evening and chose to walk the Eastlake route to Underhill and return.  The four enjoyed the company of each other, and consumed 1.14 time for the distance of some 5 or so km. 

A blast from the past:: Also on Monday Flora ran into Tish Oliver, who asked Flora to say hello to the Cruisers on Tish’s behalf. Tish as you know is on our mail out list so keeps in touch via the email.
Coquitlam Cruisers:
Jennel drove to Heather’s Monday morning.  From there, the 2 girls ran down to Blackburn Lagoon Park and ran 3 laps of the lagoon.  Beautiful…so peaceful and quiet.  This is around the Port Coquitlam Costco.  17 km in total.

October 15th:  April and Edie decided to walk to the bottom of Cameron and return.  Just as we got to the bottom, Laura and Eoin were crossing the street.  What good luck!  We all returned to Cameron together.  It was a lovely warm evening so nice to get out.

From Jennel:  Oh boy, are we feeling it…lots of running.  Today Jennel and Heather met at Pinetree & David, then ran 7x Pinetree hill, then back to our homes;  Heather 9.5 k,  Jennel 12.5 k.  Is it bed time yet?  LOL…

October 17th:  

Alex, Flora, Larry, Laura, Ivan and Bobtoc met at the Centre Saturday am.   The group opted for a walk east to Coquitlam using the Stoney Creek trail to North Road, east on Chapman Ave to Robinson St, then south eventually to Ebert Avenue but first moving west to  Fairview, then continuing west to North Road and back to the Centre.  Ivan wished to get a run in, and his route and time are shown on his plan below.  Time and distance for the walkers, 1:45 and 6.8 km, with Larry coming in in a shorter time.
For Ivan: 
 11K in 1h 36m
Flora and Ross were running with the bulls..er buffalo… in Yellowstone.

October 20th: Alex, Flora, Larry, Laura, Ivan and Bobtoc met at the Centre Saturday am.   The group opted for a walk east to Coquitlam using the Stoney Creek trail to North Road, east on Chapman Ave to Robinson St, then south eventually to Ebert Avenue but first moving west to  Fairview, then continuing west to North Road and back to the Centre.  Ivan wished to get a run in, and his route and time are shown on his plan below.  Time and distance for the walkers, 1:45 and 6.8 km, with Larry coming in in a shorter time.

October 22nd:  RA Edie with April,  Alex and Bobtoc walked Monday from the Centre on a comfortable, no rain evening, the route being the familiar Forest Grove Drive one, using Eastlake to Underhill, north to Forest Grove Drive, east to the Gaglardi pedestrian overpass and you know the rest.  Alex utilized Underhill by running it from Eastlake to Forest Grove Drive 2x.  The three completed their outing in the same time, namely 1:45;  distance for the two walkers, 6.8 km and for Alex, an additional 1.6 km.
Coquitlam Cruisers:  .
Heather and Jennel met at Pinetree and David.  Ran down Pinetree turning on Guilford all the way to Rocky Point along the shoreline to April Rd.  then walked up April instead of going to the Gate…(there was construction or something going on;  too busy), so we walked our way up, then turned around and ran home.  LONG run…lots of hills… but it was the best day ever!  Beautiful weather and we were safe & no injuries.   It just doesn’t get any better than that!!!   22.5 km for Heather….25 km for Jennel.

October 24th:  Alex with canine Cora,  Larry and Bobtoc met at the Centre Wednesday on a no rain, mild evening, and walked or ran some of the distance using the Forest Grove Drive route using Eastlake to Forest Grove Drive thence to the Gaglardi pedestrian overpass back to the Centre.  Larry used  bobturns to do some running, providing him with an additional 1.5 k more than the 7 km usual distance for the  FGD route, and Alex also put in some additional distance, say  .5 km with some running.  Bobtoc walked the route,  doing the 7 km distance.  Time for the trio,  1:34.
Coquitlam Cruisers:  .
Jennel met Heather at Pinetree & David…they ran to the Running Room to get some Half-Marathon items, then ran home.  11 km for Heather and Jennel ran 11 km  but then said “forget it,” and walked the rest of the way home!!  So 14 it total.  Resting up now for the Half; so ciao for now.  We’ll keep moving, but nothing to write home about!!

October 27th:  Alex, Flora, Larry, Laura and Bobtoc, who arrived 15 minutes late, met at the Centre Saturday morning under clear skies and with a comfortable temperature.  The five headed west on Cameron and south to Government St., the intention being to go to Joe’s trail, however the five veered to the right on Cariboo and headed into the Burnaby Lake park area, crossed the bridge south to onto the trails.  Alex and Laura left the other three and walked/jogged  west then turned back toward the Centre, and in the course of their journey spotted six salmon at the Cariboo Dam heading north.  The distance and time for the duo were 5 km and 1hour 23 minutes.  Flora, Larry and Bobtoc walked/jogged together, continuing on the south side, covered 10 k, and utilized 2.05 time.  They, on their return to the Centre, also witnessed four chum salmon heading north on  Stoney Creek  to spawning area.  They were labouring, challenged by the uphill stream.   
A late report from Ivan of his Saturday a.m. run:   “ Indeed, I slept in and had an easy, short outing around 1pm instead – tapering before race day.
8.5K in 1h 14m.”
From Alex:
I ran the 38th James Cunningham Seawall Race last Sunday. Rain and wind held off between 10am and 1pm. Perfect 2 hours for running the race. My time 61:29.   270th of 402 finishers. 6th  of 12 for M70-74 age group. 

October 29th:  On Monday Edie with canine April,  Rick, Rod and Bobtoc met at the Centre on a no rain, relatively mild evening and opted to walk the oh so familiar Eastlake route.  Edie and Rick opted to return on Eastlake from Production Way.  Their estimate distance and time were 2.5 km and 65 minutes.  Rod and Bobtoc continued to Underhill and turned back to the Centre from there; their distance and time were 5 km and 1.13.  
Coquitlam Cruisers:  .
Jennel and Heather on Monday am met at Pinetree and David.  Ran 2 laps of the park.  Heather ran 10 km, Jennel ran 13 km.  That’s it for the week other than walking our dogs, etc.