September 2018
Our favourite Rocky Point with Rod
Saturday September 1st: On Saturday Rick Davidson, Len and Miriam along with granddog Jax, Edie with April, Larry, Susan, Alex, Eoin and Laura, Flora and Bobtoc turned out at Burnaby Lake on a just right temperature morning. The route chosen for the morning’s walk was to Deer Lake
via Kensington Ave into the City Hall area, thence to the lake, circumnavigated the lake, with some of the group stopping off at the Farmers Market, and then in various groups and routes all found their way back to Burnaby Lake. Time and distance for one of the groups per Alex, 2:26 and 7.70 call it 8 km . The 11 enjoyed the fellowship of each other.
Coquitlam Cruisers:
Thursday, Jennel parked at Cameron Centre and did the “ol’ stomping grounds route”…..walked from the centre, down Beaverbrook, to Eastlake, then Underhill & return,,,, “I think 5km”. Nice…wow, things have changed around there. (my girls were at a birthday party at Zone Bowling), so why not get some mileage in to pass the time!?! Plus, traffic was so bad…I wasn’t going home in those 2 hours!
Friday, Jennel and Nellie hiked the crunch 2 km.
Monday September 3rd: On Monday, Labour Day, Alex, RA Edie with April, Rod, Larry, Flora, Laura and Eoin, Bobtoc.,and Susan, who felt nauseous and was driven back home b by Eoin, thank you for that Eoin, met at Rocky Point and walked or ran the usual route to the north shore of the inlet to the beach, with a few going to April Road and return, some going perhaps halfway before returning to the Rocky Point area. Rod and Flora ran to April Road and return in time of 1:50, distance 10 km. Not content with that, Rod ran later with his wife Pat, rounding Deer Lake, another 6 km. Alex walked/ran to the “pearly gates” (the gates securing the Imperial Oil property). His total time was 2:37, distance approximately 12 km. Laura and Bobtoc plus others reached April Road before turning; their total time of some 2:35, and less time by others. . All congregated at the ice cream shop, and replenished in some fashion the good effort on the trail with the frozen product of said ice cream parlour. The group enjoyed an ideal temperature, no rain, a few laughs, before returning to their respective homes. Their parking spots were quickly taken by family groups coming to enjoy the amenities at Rocky Point.
Coquitlam Cruisers:
On Monday Jennel did a variety of different things: .walked up & down Parkway Blvd for about 2km, went biking with daughter for 3.25km, then ran around Town Centre for 5.28km.
Wednesday September 5th:
Oil leak at Stoney Creek?
OnWednesday September 5th evening Alex, Larry, Rod, Edie with April and Bobtoc met at the Centre and decided to walk the Stoney Creek trail route. Alex, Rod , and Larry walked also to Chapman Ave and returned to the Creek trail to rejoin Edie and Bobtoc for the walk back to the Centre. The time and distance for Alex, Rod and Larry were 58 minutes and 5 km respectively, and for Edie and Bobtoc, 1:03 and 4 km respectively. The weather was perfect; comfortable temperature, no rain, some cloud. The daylight is leaving us earlier now; time to dig out reflective clothing.
From Ivan:
Last week I ranin Playa del Carmen, Mexico – last run was 7K, 46min.
Resuming training this week 🙂
Coquitlam Cruisers:
On Wednesday morning Jennel ran, walked, hiked the Coquitlam Crunch. Dropped kids off, then ran a lap of their school’s track once with Nellie, then we hiked & ran & walked the complete Coquitlam Crunch from Top to bottom….5.40km Forgot to report Heather walked 7km on Monday evening:)=
Saturday September 8th and Sunday September 9th: OnSaturday morning Alex. Rod. Ivan and Bobtoc walked or ran from the Centre with Rod and Bobtoc using the Forest Grove route backwards, and Ivan and Alex using a different route. Rod and Bobtoc walked the Forest Grove route; distance and time 7km and 1:34 respectively.
Ivan headed out to visit the Viking at Burnaby North, did an extra loop around the soccer field, and headed back; adding a small side trip up/down Stoney Creek trail to add needed Ks to my run. HeI ended up doing 18k in 2h 12m (last LSD run before race day)
Alex ran with Ivan to Broadway and Underhill (via Eastlake) then returned to Cameron Centre. 5.5km in 56 minutes. Ivan continued his 18k long run west ward along Broadway.
Coquitlam Cruisers: On Friday Jennel hiked the Coquitlam Crunch stairs again with Nellie after school drop off! I hiked the loop…..down the new side, then up the other. Perfect round…almost 5km back to my home. FYI for those doing it…the side with the wider steps is perfect for running down or even a brisk walk…
On Saturday Jennel, Anamaria & dog Nellie went to Paws for a Cause walk around Lafarge Lake Sunday morning (fundraiser for the SPCA). Had a “PAWSOME” time walking around the Lake and participating in the different events for dogs!!!=
On Sunday September 9th, Larry, Edie, Alex and Susan walked the Coho Run that started at Kits Beach, crossed the Burrard St. Bridge, went along the Stanley Park seawall and crossed the Lion’s Gate Bridge and finished at Ambleside Park. Rob Stagg also competed and ran, finishing second in his age group. It was nice to see Rob and Nancy and catch up with them after the run. They finished the run/walk before the rain got steady!
The run/walk times are as follows:
Rob Stagg 1:11:20
Alex Lau 1:39:17
Susan Vedoy 2:19:16
Edie Kernighan 2:26:56
Larry Kuhn 2:27:00
Monday September 10h:
The three Senators, namely Rod, Alex and Bobtoc, met Monday at Cameron Centre and were blessed with no rain on a rainy day-evening during their outing. The trio walked the Stoney Creek trail and returned to the Centre; time and distance 1:02 and 4.7 km respectively. Rain commenced as the trio drove to their respective homes.
Coquitlam Cruisers:
Jennel & Nellie walked, hiked & ran 5km Monday morning in the POURING RAIN!!!!
Saturday September 15th: On Saturday morning Alex, Rod, Larry and Bobtoc ran or walked from the Centre on a comfortable-temperature morning to Joe;s Trail to North Road and return. Rod and Larry did interval training (run/walk) to the North Road gate, then returned, distance 7.47 km, time 1h25. Alex and Bobtoc walked the same route and returned, their time being1hr50.
Ivan reports: I am proud to report a sub 1h for the 10K 🙂 Official finish time: 58h 03s, Saturday morning.
Race was under light rain, warm temps (high teens)
Coquitlam Cruisers:
Heather & Jennel took “their corner” back Friday morning! We met at Pinetree & David, then proceeded to run 2 laps around Town Centre Park then back to our homes. We both ran 12km. Then in the afternoon, Jennel joined her children for the Terry Fox Run at their school and ran a few laps around the track….Anamaria sprinted past Jennel!!!(she has young legs!!!) lol
Monday September 17th: Alex, Rod and Bobtoc walked leisurely Monday on a no rain evening, and chose a route east of the Centre into Coquitlam, which included Cochrane St, east to Appian Way, north to Fairview Street, west to Cotttonwood Avenue south to North Road then west on Cameron Street back to the Centre. Distance and time 4.1 km and 1:01 respectively.
Coquitlam Cruisers:
Heather & Jennel met at the corner of Pinetree & David, ran 2 laps around Town Centre Park, then proceeded back to their homes…..12km on a BEAUTIFUL “rain-free” morning! “It just doesn’t get any better than this” quote from Bob:)=
Wednesday September 19th: RA Edie with canine April, Larry and Bobtoc met at the Centre and decided to walk the Stoney Creek trail to North Road and return. Time for Larry, 53 minutes, for Edie and Bobtoc,1:00 on the dot, distance 4+ km. Rain was anticipated but did not occur.
Coquitlam Cruisers:
On Wednesday,Jennel & Heather met at Pinetree & David, ran 1.5 times together around TC, then Heather continued running around TC, then back home…Jennel ran to the bottom of the Crunch and walked up to home. FYI – thats NOT shorter!!! another FYI….don’t hike the crunch after 10am….it’s WAY too hot!Lesson learned! Jennel 13km, Heather 12km
Saturday September 22nd: On Saturday morning, Alex, Rod, Larry, Susan, Len and Miriam, Laura and Eoin, and Bobtoc met at the Centre on a wet morning. Bobtoc was a few minutes late arriving. The other eight noted that Burnaby Fire Department and RCMP vehicles were seen at the North Road and Cameron St intersection. In view of the scene and the lousy weather, it was decided to walk to Timmie’s and investigate. The group were advised that someone in the fitness shop on the second floor of the building housing the super market and liquor store had smelled gas, which prompted a call to Burnaby’s finest. Our group counted six fire department vehicles and three police cars. It seemed Burnaby’s finest determined that there was no danger, and further action did not occur. Since we were in the vicinity, and the rain was a bit much, the decision made was to have a debriefing meeting at said Timmie’s. The group then entered and were there for coffee or other delights. The group did not return to Cameron Centre for approximately two hours. In the meantime the fire trucks, police cars and the accompanying firefighters and police left the scene.
From Ivan: a few days ago: As I taper off for my upcoming race, I went out on Tuesday for a short run: 6.3K in 45m
I am also heading out today (Thursday) for a short run in preparation for my SeaWheeze Half on Saturday 🙂
Coquitlam Cruisers:
Heather & Jennel met AGAIN on a dry Thursday morning….we added another mama (Sami) to our run today. She’s new to the country, from S. Africa (Jennel & Sami’s children go to school together)…..Sami runs, so we invited her along on our run today. However, that may be the last run she does with us…as Jennel made her run full tilt up Parkway Blvd after running 12km. So, we’ll see if she wants to join us again!?! LOL Total run 13.50km for Thursday for Jennel…Heather may be a km or so under that…..But totals for the week….45.50km! YAHOO!!! NOW WE REST!!!!
Monday September 24th: RA Edie with canine April, Rod, Bob and Flora met at the Centre Monday 6:30. The four walked the Stoney Creek trail to North Road, with Flora continuing north on North Road to the Chapman Avenue intersection before returning to the others at the North Road gate. The four enjoyed NO RAIN! The four then returned to the Centre in darkness; distance for the three, approximately 4 km and for Flora, 4.5km; time for all, 4.10.
Congratulations on a great run time, Ivan!
Yesterday ( Saturday) I ran the SeaWheeze Half Marathon, official time: 2h 14m 18s –
It started off with light rain, getting to heavy rain by kilometer 5 – it kept going back and forth for another 5K until it just stopped raining – it stayed cloudy the rest of the race. Warm temperatures made the whole thing bearable 🙂
RUN 22 September 2018
Coquitlam Cruisers:
Jennel and Heather met Monday morning and ran 2 laps of Town Centre; so Heather 10 km, Jennel close to 15 km- only because she walked 5 km with her dog before the run.
Wednesday September 25th: RA Edie with canine April, Alex with canine Cora, Larry, Rod, and Bobtoc met at the Centre Wednesday pm on an evening with warm 18 C temperature and sunshine. The route chosen for their walk/run was the Forest Grove Drive one frontwards, i.e. from the Centre west using Eastlake to Underhill, north to Forest Grove, east to the pedestrian overpass to Beaverbrook past the Stoney Creek elementary school thence back to the Centre. Distance for all, 6.8 km, time for Alex, Rod and Larry, 1:19 and for Edie and Bobtoc, 1:33. The group finished in darkness: lights and reflect necessary now.
Jennel, Heather & new running friend Sami met at Town Centre Wednesday morning on a lovely sunny day, ran 2 laps, then all proceeded home! 12km:)
On Thursday afternoon, Heather & Jennel ran to the Running Room to pick up their running packages for the Run for the Cure, total distance 9 km.
Saturday September 28th:On Saturday morning, Larry and Ivan ran from Burnaby Lake parking lot westward along the Skytrain route, consisting of the gravel bikeway to Gilmore Ave., then along Still Creek Road to Still Creek Ave., and returned the same way, distance 8 km (the two ran 7 km and walked 1 km), time 1h10.
Also on Saturday morning, Rod ran the Forest Grove loop from Cameron Centre, distance 7 km and time 58:31.
I was a volunteer at the annual Ride for Refuge at the Richmond Christian School, in Richmond, my second time at the event, on Saturday morning, arriving there at 6:15 a.m. as a parking lot attendant. The Ride is sponsored by Christian churches. My connection is through Len and Miriam Soet, members of the Willingdon Church in Burnaby. The purpose of the ride is to raise money pledged to bicycle rider teams for the purpose of furnishing funds for a number of charities. This year the event attracted 1,000 riders, including a few folks who walked. The events consisted of three bicycle groups: a 50 K, a 25 K, a 10 K, and a 1 K walk which also included a few cyclers as well. Len was a key figure in the event, along with a small crew who manage the event, and work very hard at it. It was announced also that the event raised a sum of $$$ surpassing their goal. The weather was ideal; cloudy, a decent temperature. The event went off without a hitch. Alex and Angela Lau also were volunteers.
Sunday September 30th:
On Sunday morning, Larry and Edie joined Jennel and Heather at the Run for the Cure to support the Canadian Cancer Society’s fundraiser to fight breast cancer. The event was held at Concord Place, just across from Rogers Arena in downtown Vancouver, and consisted of a 5 km run/walk. Despite the rain there was a good turnout.