August 4th: On Saturday on a 15+C , on a no rain or clouds morning, Alex with a friend’s dog Cora,, RA Edie with her canine April, Larry, Laura, Rod, Susan and Bobtoc walked from the Centre to Joe’s Trail to the North Road gate then returned to the Centre; time for Edie, Larry, Rod and Susan being 2 hours, and for the others 2:07; distance for all, 7.7 km. As suggested above, the weather conditions were very good, so the group enjoyed very much their outing. Blackberries were tested enroute, particularly on Government Street, and were found to be ready for picking and eating. Again, advice provided by Nancy years ago was followed.
Coquitlam Cruisers:
On Thursday & Friday, Jennel & family went on a couple of bike adventures approx. 5km each day. Down the hill to Bramblewood school and around the track multiple time. Saw 3 beautiful deer today (Friday afternoon) along our route/ We stayed back and let them go ahead…not to startle them!!!
On Saturday, Jennel went jogging around her neighborhood. Still got that torturous hill (Stoneridge) in there though! Sucker for hills! 3 km total.
August 6th: On Monday, a few Cruisers took advantage of the BC Day holiday as Larry, Alex,
Edie (with April), Laura, Flora and Margriet went to Locarno Beach and walked the trails starting just west of Jericho and heading west to the outskirts of Wreck Beach (no we didn’t doff our clothing, we just used the trails!). The Locarno/Jericho/Spanish Banks area was spectacular with the great weather and beautiful ocean and beaches. Funny how we live here and rarely get out to the beautiful places in the area. We all agreed we should get out there more often. Alex, Flora and Larry walked just under 10 km while Margriet, Laura and Edie walked a bit less due to the heat and keeping April cool. The gang ate at one of the concessions and Flora and Margriet cooled their heels a bit in the cool ocean. Getting there in the early morning was the best, before it got crowded. Time out walking was about 2.5 hours or so.
Food was good, coffee was great, company was the best!
Jennel’s Monday adventures: Jennel & Nellie went for a 3km jog again this morning…then dropped the dog off, picked up Sofia and we rode our bikes for 4km up & down the hills…..feeling the hamstrings today!!!
August 8th:
On Wednesday evening, although it was quite hot, Larry, Rod and Alex (with Cora) walked the Stoney Creek trail to the gate at North Road, and returned, distance just over 4 km, time 55 minutes. It was all shade on the trail so it was a bit cooler. The last crop of blackberries is ripening so get ‘em while they’re here.
From Jennel: Thursday morning…..Jennel and all her GIRLS went out for a quick 2 km run, dropped the dog off back home, then hopped on bikes and went riding….5 km total.
Good idea to get out in the morning if you can!!
August 11th: On Saturday morning, a bit of relief from the warm temperatures was appreciated as 10 Cruisers and two canines attended and walked/ran Joe’s trail and some of us continued into Hume Park. Laura, Flora, Ivan, Rod, Larry, Alex, Susan, Len and Miriam with Jax, and Edie with April, all worked their way to Joe’s trail and returned, with Ivan running and continuing on to Hume Park, same for Alex and Flora who also ran most of the way, and Rod and Larry who walked around Hume Park. The Joe’s trail gang walked a distance of about 7.5 km in a time of 1h45 or so, while Ivan, Rod, Larry, Alex and Flora’s distance was approx. 10 km, with Ivan’s time about 1h45 and for the rest, 1h56.
Blackberries are now into limited remaining supplies and sadly will be in short supply in about a week’s time. L
August 13th: Cruisers Eoin, Laura, Mary, Edie and April, Alex and Rod met at Cameron on a humid and very smoky night. A vote was taken to walk the Stoney Creek Trail and back. 4 km in 59 minutes.
Thanks to staff reporter Rod for his report!
August 15th:
On Wednesday evening, Flora, Alex and Larry walked down, then up, the 500 steps on Burnaby
Mountain. Walking down took 8 to 12 minutes, and walking up took about 10 to 13 minutes for all. It was a more intense (aerobic) workout and the air quality was significantly better in the trail as the air was sheltered by the trees. The three watched the brief sunset which was a fluorescent orangy-pink for about 8 minutes as
the smoke blocked the rest of the colour. We also walked briefly with Barry Jones, who came out to see the Cruisers! It was nice to catch up with him.
The three were not the only active Cruisers on Wednesday evening – Bobtoc reports on his adventures with Edie and April – Edie, accompanied by her dog April, drove to the Kuhn home Wednesday for a walk with Bob at 6:30 pm. The route for the trio was: west down Heathdale Court to Howard Avenue, north to Meadedale, west to Springer Avenue, north to Union St., west to Gamma Ave, north crossing Hastings to Pandora St, west into Confederation Park where we saw both large green fields, the track being used by many folks, continuing west past many fellows playing bocchi ball, a game something like bowling, then to Willingdon Avenue onto the Linear Park, drank water from the fountain, continued south to Venables St, continued to Alpha Ave, viewed the construction of new wings and the destruction of old wings of the Alpha Secondary School, east onto Napier, crossing south to Springer, east to Meadedale, continuing to Howard, back to Heathdale Court. Time 1h40, estimated distance 7 km. All in all, enjoyable, and a trip down memory lane for Bob, a longtime resident of Burnaby Heights. His thanks to Edie for her offer of the walk.
From Jennel: On Thursday Jennel walked down Parkway Blvd and back up…5 km…I’ve been doing lots of walking every day, but nothing to write home about! A 5 km walk was significant enough to write about though!!! Not finding the air horrible at all in her neck of the woods…that’s fortunate! Good to know you are still getting out Jennel!
August 18th: Alex, RA Edie with April, Flora, Larry, Bobtoc and Susan met at the parking lot near the Horizons restaurant on Burnaby Mountain and proceeded their walk on the trails east and south to Simon Fraser University. The six toured much of the campus, connecting with the perimeter road then into the SFU buildings plus living accommodation, also the elementary school grounds near SFU. The six interrupted their walk by a briefing time at Starbucks. Total distance covered by the walkers was 6 km., time for the walk itself 2:17, and total time until back at the parking lot, 3:07. The temperature was in the mid-twenties, atmosphere misty. Flora and Alex continued their outing by tackling the 500 steps going down the mountain.
Thank you Alex for the following report:
Flora and Alex went to the Centennial Rose Garden, where a wedding ceremony was in progress, and admired the different varieties of roses. We then proceeded to the Velodrome Trail . Walked down the 500 steps and arrived at the Harry Jerome Sports Centre aka The Burnaby Velodrome. After retracing the 518
steps (Yes there are 518 steps not 500) we turned West to
Pendora trail which ended on Pandora Drive. From Pandora Drive, we walk westward and turned to Ridgeview Drive. At the southern end of the street is the West entrance of the Ridgeview Trail. This 1K long trail runs from west to east and leads us back to Centennial Way and the Burnaby Mountain Parking Lot. Total additional distance 4K. Additional time 63 minutes
August 20th: Flora and Ross walked the Stoney Creek Trail and back to Cameron via North Road on a hot, smoky evening – the only brave Cruisers to venture out.
Wednesday 22nd and Saturday 25th: On Wednesday evening, Rod, Flora and Alex walked from Cameron Centre to Stoney Creek Community School via Stoney Creek Trail, crossed over Gaglardi Way to Forest Grove Drive, turned north at Underhill Drive to the entrance to the Trans Mountain Trail, went east behind the Mountainside Village Market, then the three walkers merged back to Forest Grove Drive , Gaglardi Way overpass, Stoney Creek Trail and back to Cameron Centre. Weather was still warm, dry and smoky. Time out 1:44:03. Distance covered 8.5 km. Thanks to Alex and Rod for their reports!
On Saturday morning, Rod, Larry, Flora, Alex (with Cora), Edie (with April), and Len (with Jax) walked in the drizzly but welcome weather. We actually wanted it to rain harder to help put out all those forest fires but the stubborn weather just didn’t listen to us! Edie and Len and canines walked Joe’s trail to the North Road gate and returned, time 1h50, distance 7.5 km. Larry and Rod walked along Joe’s trail and continued into Hume Park, up Larry’s hill, around the playing field, past the kid’s playground and pool, and returned down North Road to the trail and back to Cameron Centre, time 1h50, distance 10 km. Flora and Alex with Cora, walked the same route as Larry and Rod but extended their trek to Braid skytrain station and returned, their time about 2h10, distance for Alex 11 km (Alex did some bobturns) and Flora 10.5 km. Flora notes there are still ripe blackberries on the route. Hurry if you want to pick ‘em because time is running out, sadly!
Beaver Dam on Joe’s Trail and Frog in the middle of the path.
From Ivan: Missed you guys on Saturday. Here’s my run for Friday – around the Sullivan Heights area and Burnaby Lake trails – distance 17 km, time 2h07. Keeping in half marathon shape!
From Jennel: Jennel & Nellie have been walking the Coquitlam Crunch DAILY 3.60 km a few times a day. Not far, but it adds up!
Jennel and Heather are registered for the Run for the Cure and ask all who are interested to register and come out to the event on Sept. 30!!
Monday August 26th: On Monday evening, Rod, Alex and Larry walked the Stoney Creek trail, up North Road, Chapman to Clarke, and back along Clarke and North Road, observing all the tower construction and land assemblies on the Coquitlam side which will transform that area of town over the next few years. The weather was pleasantly cooler and sunny, all around enjoyable, distance just over 6 km and time 1h25.
Wednesday August 28th: On Wednesday evening, Rod and Larry met at the Burnaby Mountain parking lot and walked down, then up, the 500 steps. Although it took only 12 minutes each way, it was a good aerobic workout. It was such a pleasant evening weather wise too, and the trails are in very good shape on the mountain.
From Jennel: Jennel walked & ran with dog 3.10km at Town Centre on Monday while family rode their bikes. Then later after dinner, Nellie & Jennel hiked the Coquitlam Crunch from Bramblewood up to the top TWICE…another 3.50 km = 6.60 km for the day. Heather reports she’s been doing some runs around Town Centre with another friend of ours early in the mornings. On Wednesday Jennel walked 6.96 (basically 7 km) at the PNE…”you know I clocked my steps!!!”, then came home and did the paper route with Anamaria ……so in total 7 km. I’m VERY TIRED! That was more exhausting than running a half marathon!!! LOL
From Ivan: Hey gang, reporting from Playa del Carmen, México – on Monday, I went out the hotel room to 5th Avenue – pretty quiet at 7 am. Ran along it to a T intersection and veered towards 10th Ave. Followed 10th until Playacar resort which is a gated community. Then, I turned around and followed the same route back; making a small detour to the waterfront for a sunrise picture (see attached). Trying to keep training for my upcoming half. See you soon 🏽 Ivan.