Days Gone By…..
October 1st: On Wednesday evening, Larry, Rod, Libby and Laura did a running tour of Burquitlam, taking the Stoney Creek trail, up North Road to Chapman, took a right turn onto Robinson, along to Ivy Ave., cut over to Perth Ave., onto North Road and then Cameron. A bit o’ chill in was in the air in comparison to just a couple of weeks ago, but there was no precip so it was a fine evening. Distance about 7 km, time 56 minutes.
Jennel reports: The “TUESDAY/THURSDAY Running Group” is back!!! Jennel & Heather ran and met each other at “our corner” Pinetree & David Tuesday afternoon….from there, we ran 2 full laps (& a bit) of Town Centre Park, then parted ways to go pick up our younger ones from school. Heather ran 11km & Jennel ran 14km. Great run, GREAT weather, Great company!!!
On Thursday, Jennel & Heather met at their corner and did two laps around Town Centre park. Total for Jennel 14.67km, Heather 11.67km Good work:)
October4th: On Saturday, Rod, Rick and Larry ran to Kensington Rink and back, using the usual route going across Duthie, to Sherlock, past Westridge School etc. We finished just as sprinkles were starting to come down, distance 16 km, time 2h 14m. We somehow missed Laura, who ran to SuperValu and back in just over an hour’s time.
Rod also ran on Friday, going out from home, usual way up through Lake City to Super Valu and then back up Shellmont through Forest Grove and home. Time out 1h 11m, distance 9 km.
October 6th: Larry, Laura, Rod and Bobtoc met at and ran from the Centre east toward Coquitlam: On North Road from the Burquitlam Funeral emporium, east on Ebert to Foster as far as Blue Mountain St, south to Austin Road via Dennison Ave to Roxham St and west on Austin to North Road to Cameron St and return to the Centre. Time and distance, 67 minutes, smidge under 6 km. The foursome enjoyed a warm evening, cloudless, an almost full moon. Best night of the year.
From Coquitlam: Heather & Jennel ran by themselves:( Heather on Sunday ran 8km, and Jennel on Monday 8km. Not sure of Heather’s route, but Jennel ran UP Parkway Blvd. down and back up again! Sucker for hills!?!
October 8th: Larry, Libby, Laura, Louise, Rod and Bobtoc met at and again ran from the Centre east into Coquitlam, crossing North Road at Cochrane Ave, continuing onto Denton St to Appian Way, north onto Robinson, east on Foster to Blue Mountain ,then north to Grover Ave to visit RA Edie and Tim, talked with them, patted Bella, April and Ghost, then returned to the Centre via Robinson, Ebert Ave to North Road and Cameron St. The six enjoyed a warm moonlt evening, ideal autumn conditions for the run and the afterglow (wow, what a word!) at the fence at the Centre. Best night of the year yet again. Time and distance, 77 minutes, approx. 8 km.
October 11th: Alex,Larry, Len, Rick, Rod and Bobtoc met at the Centre Saturday on a rainy but relatively warm morning to run west to the Kensington Ice Arena and return. The light rain gradually turned to minor showers and finally no rain at all, and blue sky peaked out from cloud by the time the six returned to the Centre. Time to complete ranged from 2.16 to 2.24, and distance 16 km. All in all, a great run.
Nice surprise! Saw Shiraz Mohamed and his two sons in the playground area of the Centre after our run. Boys and father doing fine. A great surprise indeed.
October 13th: Larry, Laura, Rick, Rod and Bobtoc met at Rocky Point at 8.00 am sharp for a run to what Larry describes as the pearly gates, being the gates at the entrance/exit of the Ioco former refinery site at the end of Ioco Road. The five enjoyed a cool, cloudy with no precip run. The route was confined to the asphalt paths from Murray Street through to Ioco and back, avoiding the gravel trails which were covered with leaves. The route was well used by walkers, dog-walkers, cyclists and other runners. As is customary the five completed the run at the pier which provided a view of mirror-like water, no kayaks, canoes or power boats in use save for one only which was backing down the ramp. The pier after a run is scenic, serene: a great ending indeed. Time varied between 2:45 and 2:54, distance 12 km.
October 15th: Larry, Laura,, Rod and Bobtoc ran from the Centre Wednesday on an overcast evening with some breaks in the cloudcover, no doubt (gotta be kidding) due to raindance by a couple of Cruisers. The foursome again went east into Coquitlam from North Road through the Burquitlam Funeral Chapel onto Ebert to Blue Mountain Road, north to Grover Ave via Regan and Robinson to visit RA Edie, Tim, canines and feline. The foursome then headed west and south via Robinson and Smith back to North Road, Cameron St and the Centre. Time and distance inclusive of run and visit 1:16, distance circa 7 km. Highlight of the run: seeing Edie.
October 18th: Larry, Laura,, Rick, Rod and Bobtoc ran from the Centre Saturday under cloudy skies, no precip, +11C temperature, again east into Coquitlam from North Road through the funeral chapel through to Mundy Park; knocked on Flora and Ross’s door on Hillcrest, had a chat with them, then continued the run into the Perimeter Trail as far as YOUAREHERE, returned via the trail back to Hillcrest, then ran west on Winslow to Blue Mountain Road, Foster to North Road to Cameron St and back to the Centre. Time not counting seeing Flora and Ross, a pit stop, 2:03, distance circa 14 km. No rain, great conditions for the run/walk.
Congratulations Alex, I noticed that your team, the LGRR Silver Foxes, came in 1st place. Len
October 20th: Only Laura, Rod and Bobtoc showed up Monday evening, so the trio resolved to conduct a strategy meeting at Timmies between their walk to said place and their walk back to the Centre. The trio enjoyed good weather, overcast skies, but no precip. Time there a back, maybe ten minutes, separated by the strategy meeting. Since the strategy meeting was exploratory only, nothing of substance was resolved.
October 26th: Rock n Roll conducted the inaugural 10 K and Half Marathon runs with perfect
conditions Sunday morning. Laura ran the 10K and Norman, Larry, Rod, Jennel, Debra, Cheryll and Terri-Lee ran the Half. Bobtoc was unable to run due to impending surgery for a detached retina, hopefully on Monday. The runners plus Edie, Eoin, Bobtoc, Terry-Lee and hubby Lou, Pat Hargreaves and Marie Kuhn and Val lunched at the Mulligan/s pub at the Burnaby Mountain Gplf Course, and celebrated Norman’s 50th birthday which in fact was Saturday October 25th. Good fun. Our thanks to Edie for organizing this great event!
October 29th: On Wednesday night, Rod, Libby, Louise, Laura and Larry walk/ran along Eastlake, up Underhill and returned along Forest Grove, and Gaglardi overpass back to Cameron Centre. If you can believe it, it did not rain during our run – are we lucky or what? Distance 7 km, time 1h 14m.