April Cruisers!
April 1st: RA Edie along with canine April, Laura, and Bobtoc were pleasantly surprised and delighted to have Adele meet us at the Centre Monday evening.  In view of her not in running form and Edie’s gimpy leg the four walked, using the Stoney Creek trail to the Forest Grove Elementary School grounds to Beaverbrook, up the Gaglardi pedestrian overpass to the Forest Grove Drive horn, turned west up the hill to Adele’s office (the playground on the north side of Forest Grove Drive near the school), reversed direction, and returned to the Centre.  Time out, 1:28, distance. guestimating 7 km.  The foursome enjoyed a no precip evening as well as the company of Adele.
Sunday:  Debra ran on her own 18 km in the rain!

Tuesday:  Heather & Jennel went for a short run around Lafarge Lake this morning.  Wonderful weather….Jennel 10km, Heather 8km  ready for our race on Sunday:)  YAHOO!!!!

April 3rd: RA Edie with canine April, Larry and Libby, Debra, Laura and Bobtoc met at the Centre Wednesday on a no precip, balmy evening to head west and south to Joe’s Trail.  Edie, Larry and Libby opted to walk, and the other trio to run.  The walking trio did not walk to the end of the trail being North Road but met the runners enroute back to the Centre.  Time and distance for the walkers, 1;19, guestimate 6.5k’ time and distance for the runners, 1:09:48, 7.75 respectively.

Six Cruisers:  RA Edie with April, Larry, Laura, Norman, Alex and Bobtoc showed up at the Centre Saturday on an overcast but no precip morning.  The destination for the run or walk was Joe’s Trail.  Edie and Larry opted to walk; their time 1:20. Laura and Norman teamed up and ran to Joe’s Trail, Norman continuing into Moody Park, up Larry’s hill to the level spot before returning to the Centre then retraced steps back to the Trail.  His distance and time, 11 km, 1:10.  Laura  joined Alex and Bobtoc on their trek back to the Centre.  On the way back the runners encountered a Downy Woodpecker, so identified by Norman,  ensconsced on a city garbage can complete with a plastic bag liner, busily pecking away at the liner only to be foiled by the steel can.  The garbage can acted like a sound board on a piano, rendering a fair amount of noise.  The can was fastened to a wood 6 x 6 inch post, and goodness knows why the bird did not move up about three inches and start working on the wood.  In any event, the bird, a gorgeous creature with a dark red head and beak, a black with white body, provided a study for the runners and walkers on their return plus a man with a dog, of the bird’s beauty and work ethic.  The morning run/walk turned out to be a classic, thanks to that bird.  Time and distance for Alex and Bobtoc, 1:10 including several minutes with the bird, 7.3 km.
Saturday PoCo runners:
Heather & Jennel met at “our corner” David & Johnson (5km) for a pre-race short run.  Jennel wore her “fools hat” to test it out (the crazy hat her girls made her)…got quite the looks from the drivers!!! ha! ha! 
April 6 Sunday results:
April Fool’s Run, Gibsons to Sechelt:                        

        Name            Chip Time
       Jennel Fatiguso      2:07:16
       Heather Tecson       2:07:17
       Alex Lau                 2:08:47
       Laurie Hilborn         2:25:00  4th in age group
       Libby Covernton     2:36:57  5th in age group
       Len Soet                 2:47:29
 Jannel provided me with a note advising of fabulous weather for the run, Alex’s speed, and lunch afterward.  Sounds like the best run of the year!          

We all had a great time at the April Fools half marathon. It was a cloudy cool day with some sun and a very scenic course. Miriam ran the last 6 km with me. We missed Laurie Hilborn at the finish area. Rick Davidson couldn’t make it as his (former) Mother in Law had a stroke.
Here is a link to my pictures.

April 7th: Three Cruisers only plus canine April showed up Monday, understandable since six of our group ran the April Fools Half on the Sunshine Coast Sunday.  RA Edie, Laura and Bobtoc opted to walk, so they walked the Stoney Creek trail to North Road and returned; time out 58 minutes.  The trio plus canine enjoyed a balmy evening, unfettered by rain. 
In Coquitlam:

Monday report from Heather & Jennel:  We did nothing:)  Taking a week off, then starting up again to train for the Scotia Half in June!!!

April 9th: Adele, Alex, Larry, Laura, Rod and Bobtoc met at the Centre Wednesday on another no precip evening.  Adele opted to walk the Stoney Creek trail to North Road then north into the trail leading toward SFU; the others opted to run west on Eastlake to Underhill, Broadway, Arden Drive, east on the Shellmont hill trail to Underhill, from which Rod turned south back to Eastlake to Production Way and then returned back on Production Way to Eastlake etal to the Centre; his distance and time 11km, 1:20.  The other four runners continued into the lane east of Shellmont past Cinnamon Drive, along the trail leading back to Forest Grove Drive, took the stairs leading to Forest Grove Drive thereby eliminating the horn, thence over the pedestrian overpass, the Beaverbrooks back to the Centre; distance and time, 6.5 km, 1:13.  The four met Adele on the pedestrian overpass on her way back to her home.

April 12th:  
Alex, Larry, Rod and Bobtoc welcomed Rachel Lindquist to the fold Saturday am after a long absence due to her studying and practicums at the Instittute and various hospitals.  The five set out on the best day of the year; Rachel opted to walk to Eastlake and Underhill then return to the Centre. The other four ran/walked to Kensington Ice Rink and return; distance between 14.5 and 15 km depending on Bobturns; time for most, 2:20 and for Bobtoc 2:26.  The temperature at the beginning of the run was on the cool side but the sun soon warmed things up. The fivesome met and talked with Debra at the Centre entrance on her way in to her spinning class.  The four also met Laurie Brookbank on her way out the door after her spinning class with Deb.

April 14th:  Laura, Rod and Bobtoc met at the Centre Wednesday on a fine evening.  The three opted to run the usual route west.  Bob went only to the traffic light at Beaverbrook near the high school; back io the Centre, 20 min. only.  Laura and Rod continued their run, 9 km, 1:18.
Training tip from Jennel:
Mon. Run:  Gosh, I spoke with my ULTRA Marathon Neighbour Logan about my running.  He gave me some tips to slice my time down a bit.  Intervals around the track – 200 meters at FULL SPEED, then ease off etc.  HOLY MOLY!?!  I thought I was going to “die”.  I ended up running 10km in 56.22….I think my fastest I’ve ever run in about 10 years.  YEP!  I think this will work!!  “I can’t argue with him….he’s a Lawyer!”
RA Edie:   Will be home Wednesday.  Stuffed with Kona Lava Java ice cream.
Rainy’s Group spent the weekend in the States running either the 10k, Half or Full Marathon.  Fifteen runners participated.  I have only three results; Rainy, full, 4.05/29, second in age group;  Joe, Half, 2.16.53, also second in age group;  and Carla, half, 2.04.11.  Great times!  
April 16th: On Wednesday evening, Rod, Larry, Libby, Laura, Louise and Edie (with canine April of course), set out and beat the rain on a pleasant evening run.  Edie, just back from Kauai, Hawaii, chose to walk the Forest Grove route in a time of 1h 20m or so, while the rest ran the “Forest Grove backwards” route, going past Stoney Creek school, over the Gaglardi overpass, up the big hill, down Shellmont, through the Meadowood neighbourhood, cutting through to Broadway, Underhill, Eastlake and back to Cameron Centre.  Distance, about 8.5 km, time 1h 15m.    

Seven stalwarts showed up Saturday at the Centre on a mild, sunny morning, the best day of the year;  Alex, Edie, Larry, Laura, Len, Rod and Bobtoc.  Edie opted to run due to a hamstring and knee injuries which are gradually improving.  She says:  Hi’ I ran/walked 6.7k in 1:16.   Slow start back to running but a start.  I waited until quarter to 10 but thought you all might have opted for a long run.  The remaining six ran west along the usual route as far as Duthie Avenue.  Alex, Larry, Laura, Len and Rod ran circa 11 km, their taking Bobturns to keep an eye on the older chap.  Bobtoc ran the same route and covered 10 km.  Time for the six, time for all 1:34.
In Coquitlam on Saturday also, Heather drove to Jennel’s, from there they ran to Bramblewood Track and did 8km around the track, with 3 sprints of 100metres…total time: 54:56….of course that was the only time it rained!
In the Vancouver Sun Run Sunday Apr 27 Bobtoc again is running for the First United Church at Hastings and Gore Ave.  That church is a  permanent shelter for homeless and troubled folks whether it be addictions to alcohol, drugs and all manner of mishaps.  First Church as it is called has helped countless folks clean up, suitable for employment, always open to those who relapse.  It is a gritty place located in the heart of the downtown eastside area of the lower mainland.  Pews or chairs are long gone.  The sanctuary furniture is metal bunk beds.  Meals, clothing, counselling are supplied plus time for worship or meditation.  I am running and seeking pledges of financial support for that Mission.  If you wish to donate, kindly give Bobtoc a cheque addressed either to Cliff Ave United Church for flow through to First Church, to be receipted by Cliff Avenue which in turn remits the funds to First Church.  You may also wish to donate directly to First United Church and be receipted directly by them.
He will also be running for yet another team, not for pledges, with Larry, Rod, two Docs, and Rainy and Joe, all patients of an oncologist-urologist.  Come out Wednesday, see the team shirts.  You’ll love the team name!

April 23rd: Larry, Laura, Libby, Louise, Rod and Bobtoc gathered at the Centre on a cool but dry evening, Wednesday, with Alex making a cameo appearance only.  The gathering provided a photo op. for Larry, Rod and Bobtoc who were decked out in spiffy new Warner;s Dream Team shirts fto be worn at the Sun Run Sunday with Drs. Warner (urologist), Appleby (family physician)  Other members are Rainy and Joe who have responsibilities with their Sun Run learn-to-run grads and their running group.  The full team plan to meet in BC Place after the run.

In any event, Larry, Laura, Libby, Louise and Bobtoc ran to Joe’s Trail and return, guestimated distance 7.0 km, time 1;10.
Rod’s Tuesday run:
Rod left home and went though Lake City up Underhill and back through Forest Grove and home via Beaverbrook. Distance 8.25, time 1h20.
The Coquitlam Contingent’s Thursday run:
Heather& Jennel ran 1km from David down Shaugnessey, then returned making a nice 2km warm-up.  Then we tackled David HILL.  From Shaugnessey to Oxford…4 reps ran up at a slow pace, then walk down.  Last hill we just kept running to Coast Meridian, then back making our total km – 6.79
 April 27th: Good morning Cruisers,
I am forwarding, with Len’s permission, his Sun Run stats and photos which he compiled and took yesterday, and forwarded to some.  I shall endeavour to obtain email photos of some of the Warner’s Stream Team
members taken yesterday.
The following stats are in addition to those provided in Len’s compiilation:
Dr Ken Appley                                        57:13
Dr John Warner                                      48:03
Pat Hargreaves                                     1:01:37               Seventh in her age group.
Rainy Kent                                             47:55                Third in her age group;  should have been listed as one of the top 100 women.
Joe Turtle                                             1:02:11.
See the link below for our Vancouver Sun Run pictures and results.

Jordan Soet 53 – 54 ??
Laura Farrelly 59:10
Norman & Christy Lum 1:00:05
Pat Hargreaves 1:01:37 (7th in F70-74 age group)
Sherian Kelly 1:01:38 (14th in F65-69 age group)
Larry Kuhn 1:02:00
Len Soet 1:07:56
Rod Hargreaves 1:07:57 (34th in M70-74 age group)
Rick Dickson 1:18:47
Bob Kuhn 1:28:47 (28th in M75-79 age group)
Miriam Soet 1:50:41
Tiana Soet 1:50:43

April 28th: 

On Monday evening Larry, Rod, Edie together with canine April and Bobtoc welcomed Flora, now home from Malaysia, and a work colleague Jackie to the group.  The Cruisers opted to walk.  The route chosen was Forest Grove Drive backwards, ie up the Gaglardi pedestrian overpass first, then west on Forest Grove Drive to dump Adele off, Underhill, Broadway, Eastlake etal back to the Centre.   Time and distance 1:25, 7.0 km.  The group enjoyed a cool but no precip evening.

   April 30th: May 1st: On Wednesday evening Edie with canine April, Larry, Laura, Libby, Rod and Bobtoc met at Burnaby Lake and started their run on the north trail, heading east with Edie turning back at the Nature House while the remainder continued.  Larry, Laura and Rod ran to the dam, then ran south to circumnavigate the lake to end up back at the parking lot; their distance and time, 10.6km, 1.18.  Libby and Bobtoc continued on their run east to Cariboo Road before returning on the north trail back to the parking lot; their distance and time, about 8 km, 1:35.  The six basked in summer temperature, the new green leaves surrounding, and the relative lack of humidity that rears its head in the lake area during summer.