Monday April 15th – Boston Marathon Finisher Rob Stagg
Good news, Cruisers and friends of Cruisers:
Rob Stagg completed the Boston Marathon today.  His time was 3:48:51,  5907th male to finish.  He is safe and unharmed from the explosions on the marathon route.
Rob wore his Cruiser shirt for the Boston Marathon.  We are all proud of you!
Rachel Fouladi ran the Boston Marathon and was approaching the finish line when the race was stopped.  Rachel organized a run at SFU in support of Boston.

Alex, Laura, RA Edie together with canine April, and Bobtoc ran from the Centre Monday on a cool but perfect -for -running/walking evening.  The route consisted of the Stoney Creek trail to North Road, north to Gilroy, north to Chapman, east to Robinson, south to Appian Way, west to Whiting St. then south to Cochrane Ave, then west crossing North Road past Tim Horten’s, thence to the Centre.  Time and distance,  98 minutes,  7.82 km.
From Coquitlam:
Monday Report:  Ran down to Walton Elementary 3.9km, then did 1 hour of a hard core Zumba class, then ran back UPHILL all the way home…another 3.9km. 

Alex, Larry, Laura, RA Edie, Rod  tand Bobtoc met 6:30 pm Wednesday at the Centre for a run/walk. Larry walked to Broadway and Underhill. The other four also ran west, tackled Shellmont to Underhill, continued into the lane behind “Adele’s ” office, the Forest Gorve Elemetary School through to the trail which meets Forest Grove, over the overpass, you know the rest,  time and distance, 78 minutes, 7 km.  The weather was cool, overcast, but no hint of rain until the Centre was reached.

Next run:Wednesday 6:30 pm  Cameron Centre.  
On Saturday Jennel and Heather Tecson ran a short run wearing blue and gold in honour of the killed and injured folks at the Boston Marathon
On Sunday amid 40,000 plus other runners and walkers, Cruisers and running colleagues ran the SunRun, under perfect conditions.  Here are the results:
SunRun results including our good friends from the Bushtits, ie Rainy and Joe:
Laura                            1:01:04
Pat Hargreaves             1:00:33
Rod Hargreaves            1:06:33
Norman Lum                  54:54
Sherian Kelly               1:03:51
Rainy Kent                      46:58        6th in her age group
Edie Kernighan            1:19:57
Bob Kuhn                     1:19:45 
Christina Saremba       1:58:03        walker
Joe Turtle                     1:01:17  
I could not locate Heather Tecson’s results.
Edie says: ” A perfect day for a run in our beautiful city. Lunch after at the golf club with Alex, Marie, Eoin and Larry joining the runners Laura, Pat, Rod, Bob and Edie.”  Edie’s comments show that we Cruisers have our priorities!!
Bobtoc was phoned Monday morning by Finnish friends in his church who pointed out that their friend from WW11 years also ran the SunRun.  Their friend had been a pilot with the Finnish Air Force.  His name is Eino Kyynaralnen, age 88, who ran with his daughter and granddaughter.  Mr Kyynaralnen’s time was 1:36:20,  FIRST in his age group.  An inspiration to be sure!!