From Rod regarding his solo Saturday am run: Rod added a couple of km’s to the usual 7 km for the Forest Grove Drive run. In the pm, his field hockey team bested a young team 5-3.
Anna Hilborn, Laurie’s daughter, accompanied our wannabe Bud princesses Laurie and RA Edie ,attired in their pink importedfromPortlandtosavesalestax peaked caps topped by crystal plastic tiaras, to the Monday evening run. They just won’t give up the desire to become royalty., albeit watered down just like the Bud products. Even Edie’s dogs stayed home, seemingly not wanting to be part of this latest regal caper. Alex, Rod and Bobtoc and the wannabes with Anna enjoyed the best night of the year by running the Forest Grove Drive run westward, returning via the Gaglardi pedestrian overpass to the Centre, time and distance, 55.20 and 6.7 km.
Alex and Rob are training for their respective marathons, all on schedule.
RA Edie, Libby, Alex, Rod, Larry and Bobtoc met at the Centre Wednesday for a run or walk east. Runners Edie, Libby, Alex and Rod ran via Ebert and Foster Avenues to Gatensbury and returned via Robertson St, with Alex opting to accompany Larry back to the Centre. Larry and Bobtoc had opted to walk using the same route, but turning just east of Porter Street, using Foster and Ebert. Bobtoc jogged from Robinson back to the Centre and Alex stayed with Larry to complete the walk. The six enjoyed a great evening, relatively mild and rainless. Distance for the runners 6.7, for the walkers, approx 6 k, time for both 1:04.
Six Cruisers showed up for runs or walks on a mild no precip morning Saturday; Larry and Minnesota Rachel to walk, and Alex, Laura, Rene and Bobtoc to run. The six used the “new” trail leading from the parking lot north and west to Douglas Road. The runners ran west on Stillcreek Road, Alex and Bobtoc to Renfrew St, and Laura and Rene also to Renfrew St. but at a faster pace, did extra mileage through bobturns to rejoin and leave Alex and Bobtoc. Laura traded places with Alex, allowing him to use a faster pace, and Laura returned with Bobtoc. Laura;s distance 14 k, Bobtoc’s 13.5 k, times 2:08. Alex and Rene returned first, Alex then took off again from the Bby Lake parking lot for more mileage in his training for the Vancouver Marathon. His account of his run and Rene’s is: Rene did 14Km finished about 20 minutes ahead of you and Laura. I continued on South along Sperling Avenue, East on Glencairn Dr., connected to the Equestrian Loop Trail, then Avalon trail and Avalon Ave, North on Cariboo road, then Joe’s trail to North Road. Returning to Cariboo Road and used the trail north of Burnaby Lake to the parking lot. Total time 4 hours 22 minutes. Total distance 29.5 Km. Met Christina on the way back to the parking lot (before the last bridge). She went out with a hiking group. Well equipped with binoculars for bird watching. .Alex.
Rachel and Larry I walked to Eastbrook Parkway and Still Creek Drive and returned the same way. Time was 1 hour 30 minutes, distance approx. 9 km. We found an organic food farmers’ market with great prices just across the street from Costco so we drove back there and stocked up.