Monday: Four Cruisers: RA Edie, Laura, Alex and Bobtoc ran to Broadway and Underhill and return to the Centre, distance 5 km, 45 minutes. The foursome enjoyed mild temperature and some light rain only. Wednesday’s run/walk: Ten Cruisers met at the Centre Wednesday, on a no precip, mild autumn evening. Alex, Tracy, Larry, Norman and Chris Keeling ran to IGA return, 9.5 km, time 1:10. Laura stayed with Bobtoc and ran with him to Shellmont …
regular updates
Week of September 19th
Nine Cruisers met at the Centre Monday evening, six to walk and three to run. Walkers RA Edie, Tracy, Adele, Rod, Alex and Bobtoc used the Stoney Creek trail to North Road, Chapman Avenue east to and south on Gilroy, back to North Road then returned to the Centre via the Stoney Creek trail. Tracey and Adele out-paced the other walkers big-time, and bobturned a number of times to keep contact. Time out 58 minutes …
Week of September 12th
Cruisers shown with their mini-Cruisers! Still running but in a 24/7 kind of way. Four Cruisers attended on a slightly cooler, sunny Monday evening. RA Edie, Alex, René and Larry ran along the Stoney Creek trail, up North Road (René went along the trail parallel to North Road), along Chapman to Robinson. Edie and Alex continued along Robinson to Ebert, Edie going down Ebert to Cameron Centre while Alex took a slight detour around the …
Week of September 4th
Cruisers were busy on the long Labour Day weekend. Eight Cruisers met Monday am at Rocky Point on a beautiful day: sim. comfortable temperature, gorgeous scenery. The eight set out on the usual route. RA Edie, Laura and Laurie ran to April Road and return. Chris, Larry, Norman and Rick ran to the Ioco refinery gates and return. Bobtoc walked to the Old Orchard Beach and return. Sciatic nerve brings pain big time. Alex Lau …
Week of August 29th
Six Cruisers met Monday at Deer Lake Beach. Alex, Rod, Bob, Edie, Minnesota Rachel and Tish Oliver took about 30 minutes to go around Deer Lake so a pretty short run last night. Alex ran 3k to Deer Lake and then again home (up Royal Oak – yuk). It was great to see Tish after a long absence. Very pretty scenery and good to have people who knew the way because I would have still …
Week of August 22nd
Sherian is busy crosstraining for her Melissa run by hiking up Grouse Mountain with the Edmonds Group. Also biking, running, walking……Little Energizer Bunny! Monday’s run report: Eight Cruisers came out on a Muggy Monday to get in a run as the rain luckily subsided for us. Larry, Rod, Laura, Edie, Alex, Val, Tracy and Sayeeda ran Joe’s Trail to the North Road gate, then returned to Cameron Centre. As said, it was a tad humid …
Week of August 15th
Ten Cruisers plus Angela, Alex’s wife who walked solo on North Road, turned out for the Monday evening run on the best night of the year; moderate temperature, some breeze, great visibility. Nine month-old Damien brought his Mom and Dad, Val and Richard, all fresh from their three weeks in Ontario and Quebec where grandparents, relatives and other hangers-on spoiled Da mien according to Val. It was great to see Norman and Shiraz whom we …
Week of August 8th
Alex, Laura and Rod ran from the Centre Monday, Alex to Lake City and return, 43 mins., distance 6.5 km. Laura and Rod ran to Sears warehouse and return, 34 mins., 5 km. The three enjoyed great weather; not too hot, clear. RA Edie is in Seaside Oregon with friend Linda. They walked 6 hours today on the Oregon coast. Alex and Angela, Carla, Larry, Rod and Bobtoc attended the Bushtits tailgate party at the …
Week of August 1st
Cruisers were busy on the Monday BC Day holiday. Ten gathered Monday morning for a run/walk at Rocky Point. The Johnsons report: Ross did a decent 75min walk on the upper paved route. I did a 60min run on the paved and returning on the trail. Both of us got to the Orchard Park beach on the Ioco side and back to have a coffee at the park We looked for the Cruisers till about …
Week of July 25th
Four Cruisers including Bobtoc started the Monday run from the Centre toward Como Lake. Within the first five minutes Bobtoc tripped on the run north on Willoughby Avenue, skinning his knees, injuring his chest, and was picked up by Alex so Toc could resume taking a breath. After escorting Toc back to the Centre, for his ride home, Larry, Alex and Laura Farrelly ran out to Como Lake, up Cottonwood to MacIntosh and through the …