Monday: Seven runners: Bonny wee Edie, Sharon, Rod, Ryan, Bobtoc welcomed Osama Atif back into our midst and welcomed again Rene Lattmann, a grad from the Cameron Sun Run. The runners ran to Joe’s trail then across North Road to Hume Park before retracing steps to Cameron Centre. Time and distance, 1:06, 7.9 km. The seven missed the rain that poured we understand on Westwood Plateau, Port Moody and Burnaby west of Duthie Avenue. Wednesday:Sharon, …
regular updates
Week of May 24th
Wednesday: Only Libby, Rachael and I arrived at Cameron for Wednesday Cruiser Night. Rachael thought that Flora would be joining us, so we gave her an extra 10 minutes to arrive. But when Libby and I heard that Flora was stopping to buy a running jacket on her way to Cameron, we knew that she wouldn’t be able to stop her urges to Shop-to-she-Drops or the store closes. Wonder which will happen first? Just bagging …
Week of May 17th
Monday Twelve Cruisers welcomed Laura Farrelly from the Cameron Sun Run Clinic to the Cruisers group. Runners Rod, RA Edie, Alex, Rachel Lindquist, Bobtoc, Carla, Stormin’ Norman, Sharon, Tish and Tom Jung, Laura and temporary walkers Flora and Larry embarked from the Centre to Hume Park as their destination via Cameron Street, Government Street, Cariboo Road to Joe’s Trail through to North Road, crossing it to Hume Park then returned same route. The 13 enjoyed …
Week of May 10
Seven runners showed up Monday for a one hour outing. Tom Jung and Alex Lau, fresh from their half and full marathons respectively, walked and RA Edie, Lora, Rod, Tish and Bobtoc ran west to the Burnaby Lake north trail, out 30 minutes and return. Time was taken out to view the ducklings, catch a few rays, and figurately speaking smell the roses. The seven endured a cool to cold evening with high winds. Edie …
Week of May 3
Saturday: Christina, Edie and Shiraz were sent off by Bob and Rod for a beautiful Saturday morning run. Shiraz ran to Broadway and Underhill then returned, while Christina and Edie ran to Kensington Centre, returning by Underhill and Forest Grove so they could visit Pat and Rod at the Salmon Festival on the way back to Cameron. Pat had her organizing done while Rod was helping kids build birdhouses. Edie and Christina visited Tim’s after …
Week of April 26th
Eight runners ventured out Monday evening for their run under a continuous rain which penetrated like WD-40. Sugoi, Jockey, Fruit of the Loom or New Balance garments could not stem the flow of rain which seeped into every seam of clothing or shoes. The eight: RA Edie, Rod, Sharon, Flora, Tish, Sayeeda and Leila, her work colleague from RCH, and Bobtoc ran to Government Road past Cliff Ronning’s home. Cliff unfortunately was not outside playing …
Week of April 19th
“Hills? What hills? Why? Explain it to me again how hills are good for me? I forget.” Six rwalkers and unnners met at and walked or ran from the Centre Monday on a warm, 20C and muggy evening. RA Edie and Carla walked Edie’s dogs Bella and April, and runners Alex, Sharon, Tom Jung and Bob turned west and headed toward the north trail of Burnaby Lake, the object being to go 30 minutes out …
Week of April 12th
Twelve walkers and runners met Monday at the Centre, seven opting to walk and five to run. The objective completed by runners Anita, Lora, Sayeeda, Shiraz and Tom Jung was to run to and return from Como Lake. The objective of walkers Adele, RA Edie, Flora, Larry, Tracy, Bobtoc and Valerie was to walk the route to Como Lake for 30 minutes and return to the Centre. The objective was not fully fulfilled since Val, …
Week of April 5th
Eight runners met at the Burnaby Lake parking lot for an 8:00 am run Monday under showery skies, which dried up midway through the run, and in cool temperatures. Alex, Edie, Flora, Larry, Rick, Rod, Tish and Bobtoc circumnavigated the lake, time 1:23 and distance 11 km at leisurely speeds, with Rick covering more ground than the other seven. A bonus for Bob was meeting Ed, Ernie and Tony from the Eileen Dailly running group, …
Week of April 5th
Eight runners met at the Burnaby Lake parking lot for an 8:00 am run Monday under showery skies, which dried up midway through the run, and in cool temperatures. Alex, Edie, Flora, Larry, Rick, Rod, Tish and Bobtoc circumnavigated the lake, time 1:23 and distance 11 km at leisurely speeds, with Rick covering more ground than the other seven. A bonus for Bob was meeting Ed, Ernie and Tony from the Eileen Dailly running group, …