Three Cruisers and a puppy ventured out Monday night. Alex, Rod, Edie and April walked to the corner of Underhill and Eastlake carefully over the slippery sections. The night was clear and cold but we were all dressed warmly. Distance 4.75k, time out 1 hour. Too cold to socialize under the tree tonight – straight home to our warm houses.No word from the Kehei Cruisers today but we sent them orders to purchase a club …
Week of January 9th
On Monday evening seven Cruisers met at Cameron Centre, Val went to a fitness class, Bob came to see us off and the rest of us went for a run. Edie and Flora ran to Eastlake and Underhill before turning back. Time out for Laura, Alex and Rod 1h00, distrance 7 km. Went up Underhill and back the usual way through Forest Grove. As we left Cameron, the salting/sanding trucks were in the parking lot. …
Week of January 2nd
Cruisers on January 2nd at Rocky Point. Flora tries out new rain gear – very inventive but too hot! Monday: Bob and Larry met at 8 am at Cameron Centre and ran 8k to Joe’s Trail and back. Christina, John, Ross, Jennel, Anamaria, Sophia, Flora, Rachel, Laura, Sherian, Debra and Edie with Bella and April met at Rocky Point at 9:30. Christina, Flora, Rachel, Laura and Sherian ran to April Road and returned. Edie and …
Week of December 26th
Welcome back from Christmas festivities! On Wednesday Dec. 28, while The Elder Chap and his bride were comfortably dining at a dry and warm Hart House restaurant, celebrating their 55th anniversary, RA Edie, Laura, Eoin, Tracy, Chris Keeling and Larry met at Cameron Centre and headed off, sans Santa hats, along Beaverbrook to Eastlake, with Chris, Tracy & Larry running to Shellmont, up that hill (we were ambitious for our first post-Xmas run), and heading …
Week of December 19th
Nine Cruisers joined with Rainy Kent’s group on Bridgeway Street Wednesday on a cold but clear evening for the Christmas light display on Trinity Street ranging from the 2900 block to the 2400 block. Rod, Larry, Edie, Flora, Ross, Shiraz, Chris and Bobtoc walked/ran both sides of the blocks to view the quaint in some cases houses and the Christmas light artwork put together by most of the owners in the blocks. The area was …
Week of December 12th
Monday’s run/walk Norman, Rod, Edie and her two canine Cruisers ran from the Centre on a cold winter’s night, clear skies, dry underfoot conditions. The trio used the usual westward route, Norman and Rod running 7 km, time about one hour, and Edie walked to Broadway and Underhill. Rene led eight Cruisers on a route he scouted out for our Coquitlam Christmas light run in an area bounded by North Road on the west, Smith …
Week of December 5th
Monday’s run report courtesy of RA Edie: Well, I wore my dress Santa hat and our leader was a no show. Rumor has it that he was at sea on the weekend and was suffering from boat lag, feeling “light” headed and “strung” out. Meanwhile, back at the centre, Laura, Renee, Rod, Shiraz and Edie ran on a clear, moonlit night to the corner of Meadowood and Arden. 7k in about an hour. Plan A …
Week of November 28th
Inaugural Jingle Bell Jog 5k December 4th Seven Cruisers ran/walked Monday from the Centre. Damien brought his Mom Valerie to walk with Edie and her two gorgeous dogs to Underhill and Broadway before returning, while Damien was in the gym with his Dad and the other kids. Rene, Sayeeda, Sherian, Rod and Bob headed out to Forest Grove Drive via the Gaglardi overpass, then west to Underhill, Shellmont, west to Meadowood to Woodhurst, onto Broadway …
Week of November 21st
A Twitch in Time Cruisers and friend of the Cruisers, Len Soet of the Telus runners, attended a seminar at the Centre Monday 7:30 to 9:00 conducted by our own Rob Stagg. The subject matter was training for the Portland Marathon based on scientific factors: heart rate, zones, lactic acid, those fast and slow twitchy muscles, how the slow twitchy ones get us to the finish line, huh! those who weren’t there missed a very …
Week of November 14th
Four Cruisers met at and ran from the Centre Monday on a cool but clear evening. Laura, RA Edie, Rod and Bobtoc did an EZ run to Shellmont on Greystone and returned, time 1:12, distance 7.4 km. Seven Cruisers met at and ran or walked from the Centre Wednesday on a filthy, wet, cool evening, NOT the best night of the year. All were thoroughly wet upon returning. Larry walked to Eastlake and Underhill and …