February 27 On Monday evening it was a chilly night as Brenda, Kevin, Liane, and Larry walked a “newer” part of our route as we walked down Cameron into Eastlake Park (where the dog park is) as it is well lit through that area, then continued along Eastlake to Underhill and returned the same way. Our distance was 5 km and our time was 1h05. Brisk-paced walk! Larrytheyounger February 25 On Saturday morning Liane, Kevin, …
Coldest Night of The Year
February 2023
We respect everyone’s different comfort levels with group activities during this challenging time. Please use your discretion on participating in group activities and keep in touch with us. February 27 Due to the snowfall this afternoon and expected snowfall tonight, this evening’s walk/run is cancelled. Larrytheyounger February 23 On Wednesday evening Liane, Kevin and Larry walked along Beaverbrook, Gaglardi overpass, Forest Grove hill, Underhill, Eastlake, Beaverbrook back to Cameron Centre. It was colder than it …
February 2022
February 27 On Saturday morning, Len, Miriam (with Jax), René, Alex, Kevin, RA Edie and Larry walked down Cameron, crossed the overpass leading to the trail between Eastlake and Government (which is still open despite the pipeline pre-construction), and along Joe’s trail to North Road, and returned the same way. It was still chilly and there was some ice along the trail but there was no precipitation, so it was a great day to be …